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Bienvenue sur Wikipédia, Joalpe !
Bonjour, je vous accueille en tant que wikipédien bénévole.
Wikipédia est une formidable aventure collective, toujours en construction. La version francophone comporte aujourd'hui 2 667 324 articles, rédigés et maintenus par des bénévoles comme vous et moi. Vous allez y effectuer vos premiers pas : si vous avez besoin de conseils ou d'aide pour cela, n'hésitez pas à laisser un message sur le forum des nouveaux. Une réponse vous sera apportée avec plaisir !
Wikipédia repose sur des principes fondateurs respectés par tous :
- Encyclopédisme et vérifiabilité (s'appuyer sur des sources reconnues) ;
- Neutralité de point de vue (pas de promotion) ;
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- Savoir-vivre (politesse et consensus) ;
- N'hésitez pas à modifier (l'historique conserve tout).
Vous êtes invité à découvrir tout cela plus en détail en consultant les liens ci-contre →
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Je vous souhaite de prendre plaisir à lire ou à contribuer à Wikipédia.
À bientôt !
P.-S. Vos nouveaux messages seront affichés en bas de cette page et signés par leur expéditeur. Pour lui répondre, cliquez sur sa signature (aide).
Bandeau vérifiabilité sur Mauro Galvão
J'ai enlevé le bandeau vérifiabilité sur Mauro Galvão : d'après le site des jeux olympiques, il a effectivement remporté une médaille d'argent en 1984. J'ai par contre mis le bandeau à sourcer en remplacement : il y a effectivement un problème de sources. Tpe.g5.stan (discuter) 13 juillet 2017 à 17:30 (CEST)
- @Tpe.g5.stan Bonjour. C'est parfait. Merci d'avoir corrigé mon erreur. :) --Joalpe (discuter) 13 juillet 2017 à 18:47 (CEST)
- Pas de problème, c'est naturel de se poser des questions en l'absence de source. Bonne continuation . Tpe.g5.stan (discuter) 14 juillet 2017 à 10:51 (CEST)
Merci à toi aussi
modifierBonjour, Joalpe, on s'est croisé mais on ne s'est pas parlé.
Tu es nouveau (<-- en fait non, mais tout est ok) sur wp et tes apports sont (déjà) fort pertinents.
Tu m'as plusieurs fois remercié, à mon tour je te remercie pour tes ajouts, notamment pour chaîne stochastique à mémoire de longueur variable qui est un article de haute volée ; si, si ;-).
Je te signale, si tu ne le connais pas, l'existence du lieu de discussion mathématique qu'est le Projet:Mathématiques/Le Thé.
Amicalement, --Epsilon0 (discuter) 15 juillet 2017 à 03:30 (CEST)
- @Epsilon0 Merci de ce gentil mot. :) Je ne suis pas exactement nouveau sur Wikipédia --je débarque de Wikipédia en Portugais pour dégourdir un peu mon Français --, mais il y a quelques différences entre les deux projets que j'espère saisir vite. Surtout, n'hésitez pas à m'alerter si je commets une erreur quelconque. Là, j'ai commencé à utiliser Huggle. J'espère que ça ira bien. Bonne soirée. Amitiés. --Joalpe (discuter) 15 juillet 2017 à 03:41 (CEST)
- PS: Peut-être cet essai que j'ai co-écrit vous intéressera: Pairing videos with math: Illustrating mathematical concepts in Brazil.
- Je me joins à ces remerciements : c'est un plaisir de t'aider et de te voir contribuer sur notre projet Les sans pages, et ailleurs. Je suis aussi patrouilleur, si tu as des questions, n’hésite pas. Tu peux aussi aller sur le Bulletin des patrouilleurs pour voir l’actualité de ceux-ci . La page de discussion des Sans Pages est aussi très réactive ! Amicalement — GrandCelinien • Discuter - Aide • 19 juillet 2017 à 18:40 (CEST)
- @GrandCelinien Ben là je rougis. Merci de ce chaleureux accueil et aussi de toute votre aide. Je suis content de voir comment les projets fonctionnent effectivement par ici. Je vais surveiller le bulletin des patrouilleurs -- d'ailleurs je m'étais déjà inscrit sur la liste des patrouilleurs. Je suis accroc de Huggle, donc ça va ensemble :) . Amitiés. --Joalpe (discuter) 19 juillet 2017 à 23:37 (CEST)
- Je me joins à ces remerciements : c'est un plaisir de t'aider et de te voir contribuer sur notre projet Les sans pages, et ailleurs. Je suis aussi patrouilleur, si tu as des questions, n’hésite pas. Tu peux aussi aller sur le Bulletin des patrouilleurs pour voir l’actualité de ceux-ci . La page de discussion des Sans Pages est aussi très réactive ! Amicalement — GrandCelinien • Discuter - Aide • 19 juillet 2017 à 18:40 (CEST)
Vote sur une prise de décision
Il me semble que votre participation active à Wikipédia est très récente et que vous n'aviez pas "au minimum 100 contributions dans l'espace principal de Wikipédia francophone, à la date d'ouverture du vote" c'est-à-dire le 17 juin 2017 et que votre vote sur Wikipédia:Prise de décision/Conditions d'attribution du droit de révocateur n'est pas valable.
Pouvez-vous le retirer ? Merci.
Cordialement. -- Habertix (discuter) 16 juillet 2017 à 12:05 (CEST).
- @Habertix Je suis vraiment désolé! Je ne m'étais pas rendu compte des conditions de vote. La lutte contre le vandalisme est une activité que je tiens à coeur, donc j'ai tout juste voulu participer à cette prise de décision qui m'intéresse. En dépit de mon erreur, pour laquelle je suis à nouveau désolé, merci de m'avoir averti gentiment et laissé faire moi-même l'annulation de mon vote. Amitiés. --Joalpe (discuter) 16 juillet 2017 à 13:37 (CEST)
Bienvenue aux sans pagEs
modifierBienvenue sur le projet des sans pagEs! Bonjour bienvenue sur le projet et bonnes contributions!--Nattes à chat (discuter) 18 juillet 2017 à 21:37 (CEST)
- @Nattes à chat Merci. Ce projet est très important et je suis content d'y apporter mes contributions. D'ailleurs, voyant votre nom d'utilisatrice je me suis souvenu de votre demande de financement pour le projet "Let's fill the gender gap". A l'occasion, j'étais l'un des membres du comité d'évaluation. Comment ça a été? J'avais été impressionné par votre capacité de connexion avec des journalistes. Bravo. --Joalpe (discuter) 19 juillet 2017 à 03:15 (CEST)
- Le monde est petit! Je crois que le démarrage du projet dans un contexte institutionnel et avec le nom Wikipedia est pour beaucoup dans cette connection avec des journalistes, et peut être aussi le fait que j'ai été un temps chroniqueuse pour le journal Le Temps. C'est de ce premier projet qu'est né le projet des sans pages, comme quoi petit poisson deviendra grand! Merci pour toutes ces contributions (je crois que tu détiens un record de participation ce mois ci!). --Nattes à chat (discuter) 19 juillet 2017 à 15:21 (CEST)
- @Nattes à chat: Très bonnes nouvelles. Que ce "poisson" grandisse de plus en plus. (PS: Ça m'a fait rire que vous, qui portez le "chat" dans le nom, parliez en métaphore de poisson :) ). A+. --Joalpe (discuter) 19 juillet 2017 à 15:55 (CEST)
article orphelin
modifierBonjour Joalpe et bravo pour les nombreux articles publiés! Sais tu qu'ils ont tous été retweeté et facebookés? Sinon nombre de tes articles comportent la mention "article orphelin". Ce la signifie que moins de trois autres articles comportent des liens internes vers l'article dit "orphelin". Il faut donc trouver des articles dans lesquels mettre un lien interne vers ces articles orphelins. Bonne continuation!--Nattes à chat (discuter) 19 juillet 2017 à 15:17 (CEST)
- @Nattes à chat: Progressivement je m'y mets. Merci d'organiser ce projet de façon amicale et sérieuse. --Joalpe (discuter) 19 juillet 2017 à 15:57 (CEST)
Allo allo
modifierBonsoir Joalpe, c'est très bon de vous trouver ici! Malheureusement, mon français est terriblement rouillé, mais je voudrais éditer un peu ici sans provoquer des problemes. Pouvez vous m'auxilier avec la révision de mes futures contributions? Merci.-- M. le Darwin Allô! 20 juillet 2017 à 17:35 (CEST)
- @Darwinius Salut! Content de te voir par ici. Je suis tout à fait disponible à t'aider en ce dont tu aurais besoin. Mais lu ton message ci-dessus j'ai bien l'impression que tu te passeras vite de tout aide: te voici parfaitement francophone! Sur quel sujet penses-tu travailler? --Joalpe (discuter) 25 juillet 2017 à 16:18 (CEST)
modifierPkw tu essay de souprime la paje. Ssa ma prit de le tents pour la ekrir.Merssi de me repomdre o plu vitte. — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP (discuter), le 20 août 2017 à 04:52 (CEST)
- @ Bonjour. L'article que vous avez créé ne semble pas suivre les règles de ce projet pour la création de nouveaux articles. Je vous suggère fortement de regarder les pages d'introduction à Wikipédia, surtout le livret Participer à Wikipédia. Bonne continuation! --Joalpe (discuter) 20 août 2017 à 04:56 (CEST)
Mes se nai pa taun problaim ci maun praugeai nai pa admicibleu.Mersi de tokupai deu tai affere. — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP (discuter), le 20 août 2017 à 05:00 (CEST)
- @ Ceci est un projet collectif, donc tout est en théorie mon problème -- et celui de tout le monde d'ailleurs. Je vous prie de m'écrire sous un autre ton, puisque ce qu'on espère sur ce projet est que les éditeurs communiquent entre eux de façon civile et cordiale. Bonnes éditions. --Joalpe (discuter) 20 août 2017 à 05:03 (CEST)
modifierBonjour !!!
J'habite assez loin de Paris moi-même, mais je te conseille de contacter Utilisateur:Pyb. Il est à Paris, connait de nombreuses personnes et anime beaucoup la communauté parisienne. C'est sans doute la meilleure personne à contacter pour rencontrer des wikipédiens francophones en fin d'année ! Cordialement Anthere (discuter) 22 août 2017 à 22:52 (CEST)
- @Anthere et @Pyb Bonjour! Merci de répondre si rapidement :) Peut-être, puisque l'occasion se présente, nous pourrions envisager une discussion pour voir si il y a des projets que nous pourrions peut-être développer ensemble. Je suis impliqué dans une bonne partie des activités du Groupe d'utilisateurs Wikimédia au Brésil (rapport d'activités en 2017. J'espère que nous aurons moyen d'organiser cette rencontre. Cordialement! --Joalpe (discuter) 25 août 2017 à 21:03 (CEST)
Traduction avec le gadget
modifierL'avis que j'exprime n'implique que moi, je ne suis souvent pas représentative du projet Sans pages, tout en le suivant et y contribuant de temps en temps (je suis plus intéressée par le qualitatif que par le quantitatif). Vous ne semblez pas traduire l'intégralité des articles, et pourquoi pas, mais parfois la différence entre la masse d'informations présente en brésilien et en anglais est incroyablement différente. Par exemple pour Marilena Chaui, vous citez un seul Doct HC, alors qu'elle en 4, ce qui est important pour l'établissement d'une notoriété, vous ne rendez pas compte d'un immense paragraphe de controverses (qui apparaît dans une moindre mesure sur la page WP:en). Or l'utilisation de l'outil n'est plus possible si un autre contributeur voulait poursuivre. Vous ne semblez pas suivre les pages que vous créez ? Heleieth Saffioti est-elle actuellement professeure (née en 1934). Pour la footeuse Aline Villares Reis, la page anglaise en dit davantage... J'ai enlevé la Jeanne d'Arc brésilienne sur la page de Maria Quitéria, pour laquelle vous aviez mis une source qui ne mentionnait pas ce terme, mais pê avez-vous d'autres sources ? Bon mais comme je vous l'ai dit, je ne suis pas représentative du projet SP mais seulement de moi-même... bonne journée, --Pierrette13 (discuter) 27 août 2017 à 10:14 (CEST)
- @Pierrette13 Bonjour! Merci d'avoir pris le temps de regarder mon travail. A ce que je comprends, nous sommes bien sur un projet collaboratif, donc -- et surtout -- n'hésitez pas à inclure sur les articles que j'ai créé tout ce qui vous paraitrait important. Bonnes contributions. --Joalpe (discuter) 27 août 2017 à 14:26 (CEST)
- re-bonjour. Oui bien sûr pour l'aspect collaboratif, et je regarde vos sources et les interwikis de vos créations, d'où ma réaction, mais comme je vous le disais, on ne peut utiliser l'outil traduc qu'une fois, ce qui veut dire qu'une fois que vous avez fini, les ajouts éventuels doivent se faire manuellement. Je me demandais si vous pourriez regarder comment travaille @GrandCelinien c'est ici qui traduit un article par jour avec le gadget, peut-être que cela vous aiderait à prendre le mieux de l'outil gadget, qu'il utilise exclusivement. Mais évidemment,en ne créant qu'un article par jour, cela lui laisse le temps d'approfondir, son enjeu est sans doute plus proche du mien, bonne fin de journée (enfin je ne sais pas quelle heure il est chez vous je dois dire , --Pierrette13 (discuter) 27 août 2017 à 16:01 (CEST)
This Month in Education: September 2017
modifierVolume 6 | Issue 8 | September 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
In This Issue
Featured Topic | "Wikipedia – Here and Now": 40 students in the Summer School "I Can – Here and Now" in Bulgaria heard more about Wikipedia | |
| ||
From the Community |
modifierBom dia Joalpe. J'ai maintenant regardé en détail les dernières fonctionnalités du dashboard dont vous parliez, et votre exemple au Brésil. Je crois que ça serait une aide importante pour des cours avec de nombreux étudiants. Donc je me sens prêt à essayer de convaincre la communauté de l'intérêt d'accepter l'écriture automatique du dashboard sur la Wikipédia francophone. --Alexandre Hocquet (discuter) 12 octobre 2017 à 04:23 (CEST)
- @Alexandre Hocquet Parfait. Quand vous lancez la discussion, faites-moi signe, s'il vous plaît, pour que je puisse participer à la justificative des fonctionnalités. Il y a un mot standard pour lancer la discussion avec la communauté d'ici. Ce n'est qu'une suggestion, mais c'est le modèle que j'ai employé sur ptwiki. Amicalement! --Joalpe (discuter) 12 octobre 2017 à 05:45 (CEST)
This Month in Education: October 2017
modifierVolume 6 | Issue 9 | October 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Featured Topic |
Your community should discuss to implement the new P&E Dashboard functionalities |
From the Community |
Wikidata implemented in Wikimedia Serbia Education Programe |
From the Education Team |
Wikidata weekly summary #285
modifier- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Obaid Raza
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata, a rapidly growing global hub, turns five on WMF's blog by Andrew Lih and Robert Fernandez
- Locating IMDB IDs of movies in the Internet Archive using Wikidata, by Petter Reinholdtsen
- Mix-n-Match: Large Catalogs, by Magnus Manske
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- If you want to review what happened during the WikidataCon, here is the list of all the sessions, with slides, notes and videos, when available
- Release of wikidata-edit v2.0.0: brings qualifiers and references support, and a few breaking changes. See changelogs
- Release of wikidata-cli v5.0.0: brings qualifiers and references support, multi-entity summary|label|description|description requests, a new `edit-item` command, and a few breaking changes. See changelogs
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Barbarian R.C. id, Barbarian F.C. id, Isidore ID, Team GB athlete ID, HOC athlete ID, COAM architect ID, Camera Decision ID, Google Play developer ID, INDUCKS miniseries ID, INDUCKS issue ID, INDUCKS story ID, INDUCKS publisher ID, INDUCKS creator ID, INDUCKS publication ID, INDUCKS character ID, Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Accused witch ID, Humble Store ID, Australian Baseball League player ID, European Fencing Confederation athlete ID, IBHOF boxer ID, Melon artist ID, Czech Jockey Club horse ID, Rush Parliamentary Archive ID, British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association ID, IGHOF athlete ID, Mountain Bike Hall of Fame inductee ID, Twitch game ID, Unified Astronomy Thesaurus ID, Ecole des chartes thesis abstract ID, Rugby League Project player ID, Canadian Ski Hall of Fame inductee ID, Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame inductee ID, World Golf Hall of Fame player ID, Kaitai Struct format gallery ID, Diccionario biográfico español ID, Dutch Cemetery in Chinsurah ID, Discography of American Historical Recordings ID, Internet Off-Broadway Database ID, Coinage of the Roman Republic Online ID, Argentine Chamber of Deputies ID, Argentine Senate member ID, Thibaudeau classification, Scoresway handball person ID, HAL author ID, Shirat Nashim person ID, cash back, Minimum Spend Bonus, reward program, grace period, reward, Card Network, mean age, hydraulic head
- Query examples:
- endemic moths of New Zealand with images in Wikidata (source)
- Images of people commemorated by plaques in Jena, Germany (source)
- Paintings located in Le Louvre without pictures on Wikidata, with the location in the museum (source)
- Persons who will have their work in public domain in 2018 in Denmark, with their occupations (source)
- Political parties by ideology in a tree view (source)
- Organic acids with pictures (source)
- Levels of education in France, from kindergarten to high school, with their US equivalents (source)
- Horses drawn on hills in the UK (source)
- Frequency of “retrieved” dates in Wikidata references (source)
- Newest database reports: completeness of family relation properties
- Development
- query service UI improvements (Ided10bb8c8, I3c6ec22a15, Ieb6e561563, I9a526fc8b4, Ib4ea273ab1
- proposed changes to HTML around statements – feedback welcome!
- Finished diff support for lexeme phab:T178757
- Refactoring PropertySuggester-python for better maintainability and performance (phab:T179664)
- JavaScript libraries used by Wikibase have been integrated as submodules into Wikibase's git repository (phab:T177087)
- Git repository of the Wikibase JavaScript API has been moved. Check your settings! (phab:T178226)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- The Cebuano and Swedish wikis have a lot of bot-created content which is unconnected to other wiki articles. A good way to tackle that problem is by checking constraint violations for property GeoNames ID.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #286
modifier- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: IRC office hour, November 14th, 19:00 (UTC+2) in the channel #wikimedia-office
- Review of the WikidataCon by Sean McBirnie (Histropedia)
- Blogpost on workflow co-documentation with community members during the WikidataCon, by Jan Dittrich
- Completeness and the Age of Abundance of free tools, in Basque language, by Theklan
- Report about the first WikidataCon in Hungarian language, by Texaner
- Report of the WikidataCon 2017 in German, by MB-one
- Visualising Wikidata on Interactive Timelines using HistropediaJS by Sean McBirnie
- Wikidata: A growing community behind open data by John Samuel
- Report about the 2017 WikidataCon in Polish, by Yarl
- Report about WikidataCon 2017 for WMAM community in Armenian, by Kareyac
- WikidataCon - my résumé by Ahoerstemeier
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata training material and sample SPARQL queries by Geertivp
- A new version of Unicode CLDR was released, including data about languages from Wikidata
- research article where Wikidata is used to unify metabolite identifiers: WikiPathways
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: vertical depth, describes a project that uses, National Monuments of Namibia Site Reference, CycleBase cyclist ID, California Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Formal Public Identifier, IAFD male performer ID, IWRP athlete ID, Wimbledon player ID, Snooker.org ID, albedo, family relationship degree, World Snooker athlete ID, Microsoft Store artist ID, NACE code, Xenopus Anatomical Ontology ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: properties count by datatype, Mayflower voyage participants, film archives
- Development
- Fixed a series of smaller regressions after switching to Cirrus based search backend (phabricator:T179045, phabricator:T179061, phabricator:T179130)
- Latitudes, longitudes, as well as coordinate precisions have accidentally been exported to RDF as xsd:decimal, and are going to be exported as xsd:double soon (phabricator:T179228)
- Continue on refactoring PropertySuggester-python for better maintainability and performance (phab:T179664)
- Make AffectedPagesFinder take DESCRIPTION_USAGE into account (phab:T176417)
- Add
area where gadgets and user scripts can safely add indicators instead of directly appending to the value (phab:T95403, d:WD:PC#Gadget / userscript editor feedback wanted) - Accessing
mw.config.get( 'wbEntity' )
will trigger a deprecation warning, gadgets and user script should use thewikibase.entityPage.entityLoaded
hook instead (phabricator:T169771) - Work on caching constraint check results (phab:T179849) and indicating that they are cached (phab:T179844)
- Work on JSON-LD support in the Purtle library used for exports (gerrit:379669)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #287
modifierWikidata weekly summary #287 Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata
- Discussions
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: IRC office hour (log)
- Past: Wikidata Lab II, a workshop to teach users how to create lists using Wikidata in São Paulo (images from the event)
- Upcoming: IRC office hour about Structured Data on Commons, November 21, 18:00 UTC in the channel #wikimedia-office
- Upcoming: WLM-Wikidata-Editathon 2017 in Berlin, November 24-26
- Upcoming: Wiki4MediaFreedom edit-a-thon - II edition (with Wikidata track) in Sofia, November 27
- Upcoming: Wikidata-Hackathon at WikiMUC in Munich, November 30
- WikidataCon 2017
- Fünf Jahre Wikidata at Chaosradio
- "Turning a historical book into a data set"
- "Creating Wikipedia articles from research data"
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool by Magnus: Wikidata SPARQL Recent Changes - get diffs for all items matching a SPARQL query, for a date range
- New tool by Magnus: WD edit stats - get edit stats for all items matching a SPARQL query
- Wikidata coverage for 'place' in OpenStreetMap (as of October 2017)
- OpenRefine 2.8 was released. Adding columns from Wikidata and importing Wikitables is now possible. Let's write tutorials for it.
- Mix'n'match now shows for a catalog which user originally imported it and if it is updated regularly (example)
- A breaking change to the wbcheckconstraints API output format was announced
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: CGF athlete ID, OKS athlete ID, Gymn Forum athlete ID, sexually homologous with, Tennis Temple player ID, has listed ingredient, World of O athlete ID, HOO athlete ID, IBTrACS cyclone ID, Collective Biographies of Women ID, Snooker Database player ID, Spider Ontology ID, EThOS thesis ID, EUTA theatre ID, EUTA person ID, Czech Street ID, Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Trial ID, ChinesePosters artist ID, Bangladesh administrative division code, Douban movie ID, REGINE water system number, UK Parliament thesaurus ID, ABA bird ID, MuIS ID, Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Person ID, Vermont Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Alaska Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID, Radio Radicale person ID, SUNCAT ID, payload mass, Melon album ID, ctext work ID, Mémoire du cyclisme cyclist ID, Prisma ID, Africultures person ID, Africultures movie ID, Scottish Cemetery Kolkata ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: expeditions
- Development
- Fixed Commons media suggester not loading all preview thumbnails (phabricator:T160528)
- RDF exports can handle entity references to foreign Wikibase repositories now, needed for Structured Data on Commons (phabricator:T161592)
- Worked on making statements on Forms editable and persistent (phabricator:T163724)
- Worked on fine-grained usage tracking in Wikibase' Lua library (phabricator:T172914)
- Worked on caching constraint check results (phabricator:T179849) and indicating when constraint check results are cached (phabricator:T179844)
- Wikibase code base does not use Composer class autoloading any more (phabricator:T180067) as another step towards getting rid of our own build process and being more in line with the rest of Wikimedia
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Structured Commons focus group update, Nov 21, 2017
modifierHello! You are receiving this message because you signed up for the the community focus group for Structured Commons :-)
- IRC office hour today, 21 November, 18.00 UTC
- The IRC office hour about Structured Commons takes place at 18:00 UTC in wikimedia-office webchat. Amanda, Ramsey and I will give updates about the project, and you can ask us questions. The log will be published afterwards.
- Tools update
Many important community tools for Commons and Wikidata will benefit from an update to structured data in the future. You can help indicate which tools will need attention:
- Check this Google spreadsheet and leave your comments (ping me if you'd like full editing access to the spreadsheet)
- More and more tools will also be tracked on Phabricator and on the tools inventory page. Feel free to add and edit.
Warmly, your community liaison SandraF (WMF) (talk) 21 novembre 2017 à 17:27 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #288
modifier- Discussions
- New request for comments: start time / end time vs. publication date of 1st / last episode
- Proposal to add some order and structure to the various bibliographic corpora we currently have in Wikidata (mailing list post)
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: IRC office hour about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons. You can read the log on meta.
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Prague, December 1st
- Well structured political data for the whole world: impossible utopia, or Wikidata at its best?
- Spatial-based Topic Modelling using Wikidata Knowledge Base (in Wikidata as Q43662744)
- Cleaning BNF identifier in Wikidata by Envlh (in French)
- Monitoring changes to Wikidata pages of your interest by Egon Willighagen
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Sandra is co-ordinating an inventory of crucial volunteer tools for Wikimedia Commons, GLAM, and structured data in general. You can provide input and prioritize your favorite tools in this Google spreadsheet.
- Q43649390 is an item about our concept of "QID"s
- OpenRefine 2.8 was released. Adding columns from Wikidata and importing Wikitables is now possible.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: type foundry, Accademia della Crusca ID, first appearance, USGHOF athlete ID, Kulturelles Erbe Köln object ID, Städel Museum artist ID, Berlinische Galerie artist ID, Tidal video ID, Tidal track ID, Tidal album ID, Tidal artist ID, HTML entity, Norwegian historical register of persons ID, Merchant Category Code, SS KL Auschwitz Garrison ID, West Australian Football League player ID, Wikidata project, BPH journal ID, SNCZI-IPE reservoir ID, BTO five-letter code, awarded for period, electoral district number, Art Museum of Estonia artwork ID, Art Museum of Estonia artist ID, Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame ID, Basketball-Reference.com WNBA ID, National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame ID, IJF ID, SNCZI-IPE dam ID, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame ID, FAI ID, Canada Games ID, ICRC PoW ID, RA Collections ID, mountain range, Everyone Remembered ID, CNRS research group ID, ARLIMA ID
- Query examples:
- People who were Time Person of the Year in two consecutive years (source)
- Fictional characters “said to be the same as” other fictional characters from the same fictional universe (source)
- Map of places of birth of deceased sociologists (source)
- Map of libraries in India (source)
- Train and subway stations in Basque Country (source)
- Newest database reports: Decameron editions and translations
- Development
- Result views in the Wikidata Query Service UI can now be configured with options (phabricator:T155973, Special:Diff/580233265/596922582)
- Worked more on introducing the concept of sub.entities in the APIs in order to make edits to Forms persistent
- Worked on edit summaries for edits to Forms
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: November 2017
modifierVolume 6 | Issue 10 | November 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Wikidata weekly summary #289
modifier- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Using the Digital to Engage Archival Radio Collections: Part II (Wikidata Workshop), Washington, D.C., November 2, 2017 with Andrew Lih and Alex Stinson
- Past: Wikidata Clinic (slides) in Washington, D.C., December 1, 2017, with Andrew Lih and Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
- Past: Wikikonference in Prague with a Wikidata workshop in Czech and a introduction of Wikidata and its community
- Wikipedia Weekly audio podcast coverage of Wikidata:
- Episode 126 - Introduction to Wikidata, with Andrew Lih and Rob Fernandez
- Episode 127 - WikidataCon 2017 roundtable discussion, with Andrew Lih, Liam Wyatt, Stacy Allison-Cassin, Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight, Rob Fernandez
- Wikidata as authority linking hub: Connecting RePEc and GND researcher identifiers by Joachim Neubert
- Importing data into Wikidata - Current challenges and ideas future development by Navino Evans
- The Wikidata map in November 2017 and what changed during the last four months, by Addshore
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- You can now vote for your favorite proposals on the Community Wishlist Survey. The voting phase is open until December 10th.
- If you run any functionality on Wikimedia sites that uses queries to the Wikidata Query Service, please add it here (more information)
- The 600,000,000th edit has been made.
- The first content made specifically for Wikimedia projects in space has been added to Wikidata (see Close encounters of the Wikipedia kind)
- The Aaron Swartz Fellowship at OSA, Budapest, Hungary, is open for applications (deadline Dec. 31). The second focus area of the fellowship may be of interest to Wikidata folks.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: set designer, Swedish Musical Heritage composer ID, National Film Board of Canada movie ID, South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame ID, World Rugby Hall of Fame ID, Microsoft Store album ID, date of burial or cremation, Lives of WWI ID, polymer of, monomer of, FAPESP researcher ID, FAPESP institution ID, NIOSH Publication Number, post town, arXiv author ID, CPE athlete ID, Mountain Project ID, National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials ID, Atomic Heritage Foundation ID, Dreadnought Project page, IWGA athlete ID, Argentinian Historic Heritage ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Stolpersteine, Jasmerah
- Newest database reports: Q5 with identical P18
- Development
- Wikidata will get dedicated database resources, and go read-only for 30 minutes on 9th January 2018 (phabricator:T181645)
- There were no RDF dumps last week due to problems generating them, investigation is still going on (phabricator:T181385)
- Improved the threshold for ORES on Wikidata (phabricator:T180450)
- Working on fixing a regression after a change in MediaWiki core that makes edit links show up on diff pages (phabricator:T181807)
- More work on persistent editing of statements on Forms of a Lexeme (specifically phabricator:T180467)
- Improved size of the diff that we sent to Wikipedia and co for changes happening on Wikidata. This is one more needed step towards only showing meaningful edits in the watchlists and recent changes there. (phabricator:T113468)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #290
modifier- Events/Press/Blogs
- Incoming: Wikidata workshop in Rennes, France, December 12th
- Incoming:Next Structured Commons IRC office hour will be on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at 18:00 UTC.
- Past: Tech-talk about knowledge technologies, featuring Wikidata, DBpedia, and Histropedia at Jakarta Digital Valley, Jakarta, Indonesia on Dec 8, 2017. Slides are available at Slideshare link.
- My vision of a possible strategy. How could we change Wikidata’s core infrastructure to be able to scale better in the future? by ChristianKl.
- Using WikiData as a multi-lingual multi-dialectal dictionary for Arabic dialects - conference paper
- WikiCite 2017 report by Dario Taborelli and the organization team
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Structured Data on Commons: Participate in this survey to help the team understand which tools and functionalities are most important to the Commons and Wikidata communities
- QuickStatements now has a CSV-like import function (under "import commands")
- wikidata-cli now support dynamic SPARQL requests using JS files
- New wikidata-sdk function: wdk.getSitelinkUrl, a function to easily build URLs from Wikidata API sitelinks data
- Musik Lovers (de) is a project created during Coding da Vinci 2017 and reuses data from Wikidata about composers played in the Koncerthaus of Berlin
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: premiere type, name of the character role, Bechdel Test Movie List ID, Iowa Sports Hall of Fame ID, DORIS ID, Online Books Page author ID, ICTV virus genome composition, EK number, identity of object in context, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston object ID, squadron embarked, South Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID, trophy awarded, Württembergische Kirchengeschichte person ID, Merkelstiftung person ID, National Library of Brazil ID, AUSNUT 2011–13 Food Group ID, DVV player ID, UniProt journal ID, WAFL FootyFacts ID, watershed, Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ID, LKL player ID, LACMA ID, Art Institute of Chicago artwork ID, Queensland Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID
- Query examples:
- Place of birth of author with pages on the French Wikisource (source)
- Number of movies passing or failing the Bechdel test by year (source)
- 100 of the earliest 1000 works created by women on Wikidata with an image on Commons (source)
- Chemical entities, whom discovered them, and when (source)
- Sister-city and twin-city relationships of the largest cities (source)
- Cast age at date of film publication (source)
- Male saints that are the most used to name French cities after them (source)
- Development
- Add anchors to Special:ListDatatypes (phabricator:T181371)
- Data Types library has been integrated to Wikibase (phabricator:T180454)
- Investigate on the slow problems encountered on Wikidata (phabricator:T182322)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Structured Commons focus group update, December 11, 2017
modifierHello! You are receiving this message because you signed up for the community focus group for Structured Commons :-)
Later this week, a full newsletter will be distributed, but you are the first to receive an update on new requests for feedback.
- Three requests for feedback
- We received many additions to the spreadsheet that collects important Commons and Wikidata tools. Thank you! Now, you can participate in a survey that helps us understand and prioritize which tools and functionalities are most important for the Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata communities. The survey runs until December 22. Here's some background.
- Help the team decide on better names for 'captions' and 'descriptions'. You can provide input until January 3, 2018.
- Help collect interesting Commons files, to prepare for the data modelling challenges ahead! Continuous input is welcome there.
Warmly, your community liaison SandraF (WMF) (talk)
Message sent by MediaWiki message delivery (talk) - 11 décembre 2017 à 17:40 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #291
modifier- Discussions
- New request for comments: Mapping and improving the data import process
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Introduction to Wikidata for local OpenStreetMap community & others, Riga, Latvia, December 19th
- Upcoming: 34th Chaos Communication Congress, 27-30 December, Leipzig, Germany. The Wikidata team will be there
- Wikidata in Collections: Building a Universal Language for Connecting GLAM Catalogs
- A purposeful #strategy for #Wikidata
- WikidataCon: Giving more people more access to more knowledge by Peter Kraker
- Review of the Global Legislative Openness Week by MySociety
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A script to add links to Wikidata on Twitter by Envlh
- Resolver can now open an item in tools/third-party sites listed on Q43649390#3303, using the
attribute - for example https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/resolver.php?prop=P496&value=0000-0003-4402-5296&project=scholia - New edition of the Structured Data on Commons newsletter
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Wiki Aves bird ID, DACS ID, SAN ID, reservoir, CPDOC ID, Musée d'Orsay artwork ID, Coflein ID, The Numbers person ID, Wikimedia import URL, Flathub ID, partition type identifier, partition table type, ESCO Occupation ID, Welsh assembly ID, BSD Portal athlete ID, identity of subject in context, location of first performance, representation of, RCR number, ESCO skill ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art ID, Colorado Sports Hall of Fame ID, Welsh Chapels ID, photosphere image, Estonian Football Association team ID, The Peerage person ID, FoodEx2 code, Sherpa Juliet ID, Indian Financial System Code
- Query examples:
- Number of disasters by date and day of the week (source)
- Map with buildings by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer (source)
- Properties most used for “no value” statements/qualifiers/references (source)
- Scientific papers with an animal credited as co-author (source)
- Image grid of what different cryptocurrencies are named after (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Narration
- Newest database reports: Brigata del Decameron
- Development
- Additional languages for monolingual values got approved by the language committee: ami (Amis), bnn (Bunun), fos (Siraya), ppu (Papora / Hoanya), pwn (Paiwan), pyu (Puyuma), ssf (Thao), trv (Seediq / Taroko), uun (Pazeh) (see gerrit:374052, phab:T144272)
- More work on caching constraint results so we can enable the constraints checks for all logged-in users by default
- Fixed a bug when edit links showed up in diff views (phabricator:T181807)
- Final step towards being able to store statements on Forms of a Lexeme
- Disabled RDF support for Lexemes as the mapping isn't defined yet (phabricator:T182660)
- Adding some more smart tracking for Lua usage so we better know which properties from an item are used on a Wikipedia article even when the whole item is loaded (phabricator:T179923)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #292
modifier- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: 34th Chaos Communication Congress, 27-30 December, Leipzig, Germany. The Wikidata team will be there
- WikiCite 2018
- Get your vocabularies in Wikidata... so Europeana and others can get them
- Moths and me
- Quality and collaboration in Wikidata
- The Tom Longboat Awards as Wikidata
- GLOWing the extra mile
- Seven translation tools you can use to work in multiple languages across Wikimedia projects
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool by YMS to help with vandalism fighting. Give it a try and catch some vandals?
- Version 0.8.0 of the Wikidata Toolkit have been released. There is a short survey to figure out in which directions to move the library.
- You can try the Wikidata fulltext search prototype and give feedback
- You can also tell us what could be improved with the entity suggester
- The Geo dashboard shows a map on the most used items in Wikipedia and co in a given category
- Consultation on Blocking tools and improvements
- New documentation page with information about publishing open data that we can use when talking to institutions about why they should publish their data openly
- Cou can try the prototype to improve the term box and give feedback
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: OpenSecrets organization ID, Oireachtas member ID, Environmental Register code (Estonia), geomorphological unit, Dictionnaire des peintres belges ID, Carnegie Museum of Art ID, Nintendo Game Store ID, National Gallery of Victoria artwork ID, National Gallery of Art artwork ID, Eldoblaje original actor ID, Eldoblaje dubbing actor ID, constraint scope, MAVISE company ID, MAVISE competent authority ID, MAVISE on-demand audiovisual service ID, MAVISE TV channel ID, appears in the form of, Indianapolis Museum of Art artwork ID, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston object ID, EMLO location ID, Hall of Light Amiga database ID, Sjukvårdsrådgivningen Category ID, tabular software version, USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame athlete ID, Buenos Aires legislator ID, Cinemagia actor ID, Cinemagia film ID
- Query examples:
- Map with radio telescopes around the world (source)
- People born on the same day their mother died (source)
- Largest first-level administrative subdivision by country (source)
- Data sets released under a Creative Commons NoDerivatives license (source)
- Type foundries and their typefaces (source)
- Map of Christmas traditions (source)
- Movies that are Christmas traditions (source)
- Newest database reports: list of Christmas films
- Development
- Due to the Christmas and New Year's Eve holidays, no deployment will happen before January 3rd.
- Monolingual language codes for Old French (fro) and Middle French (frm) added (phabricator:T181823)
- Finishing touches on storing statements on Forms
- No longer checking constraints on the property example statements (phabricator:T183267)
- More work on caching constraint check results so we can roll out constraint checking for all logged in users
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #293
modifier- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Wikidata team and volunteers were at 34C3. Check the videos, the tweets, a new design made by Bleeptrack for a cake. Videos of Wikidata-related workshops will be published soon.
- Upcoming: Cultural heritage Wikidata workshop in Prague, 13th January 2018
- Using Scholia as Open Notebook Science tool to support literature searching
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool that allow users to fill labels and descriptions to Wikidata items en masse
- Change on the editing interface: save becomes publish. Please help translating in your language and update documentation
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Minneapolis Institute of Art ID, CHGIS ID, Guardiana ID, Barnes Foundation ID, VOGRIPA ID, Rugby Canada ID, Ent'revues ID, World of Spectrum ID, Smithsonian American Art Museum ID, HATVP ID, Google Arts & Culture partner ID, Google Arts & Culture asset ID, Cairn journal ID, Canal-U channel ID, Conseil de Presse Luxembourg journalist ID, Historic Place Names of Wales ID, CIQUAL2017 ID, GEMS Code, Arquivo Arq ID, Argentine deputy ID, American Art Collaborative object ID
- Query examples:
- Landlocked countries bordering coastal countries (source)
- Most common years of birth in Wikidata (source)
- Map of lighthouses around the world (source)
- Bubble chart showing countries with the highest number of children out of school in 2013 (source)
- Playwright dead in 1947 (whose works are now in Public Domain) (source)
- Development
- Fixed a problem with references in history of items (phab:T182767) Thanks to Matěj Suchánek who helped providing a workaround
- Make statements on forms persistent for lexicographical data (phab:T163724)
- Fix a bug that removed the collapse button (phab:T175492)
- Remove cache constraint check results on purge (phab:T182107)
- Add sitelinks to hif.wiktionary (phab:T180785)
- Read constraint check results from cache and check freshness (phab:T182106)
- Re-label the "Save" links to "Publish" (phab:T161367)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: December 2017
modifierVolume 6 | Issue 11 | December 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Wikidata weekly summary #294
modifier- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Jarekt
- New request for comments: Changes to P2737 and P2738, Privacy and Living People
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: IRC office hour on January 30th - you can share ideas for topics to discuss
- Call for papers for WikiIndaba is open
- Scholarship applications for Wikimania are open
- Registration is open for the Wikimedia hackathon
- Paper submission deadline for Wiki Workshop (part of The Web Conference) is closing later this month
- The Tom Longboat Awards as Wikidata - Mita Williams
- Using the Semantic Web to Improve Knowledge of Translations - Karen Smith-Yoshimura (OCLC)
- There is no deadline so every second is one: on anxiety, perfectionism, and Wikimedia projects by Léna
- Up2date software versions for Wikidata by Michi
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata will be in read-only mode on January 9th from 06:00 to 06:30 UTC
- The WikidataCon 2017 report has been published
- Results of two research projects for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons have just been published:
- Supporting Commons contributions by GLAM institutions: an overview of how cultural institutions contribute to Wikimedia Commons, and which issues they encounter there
- Baseline Metrics for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons: an overview of measurable behaviors on Wikimedia Commons, against which the effectiveness of structured data can be measured in the future
- You can start organizing an event for Wikidata's 6th birthday in October 2018
- A short summary of the workshop with historians using Wikibase to collect data about the Illuminati has been published at Wikidata:FactGrid
- How would the World look like if countries were as large as their Wikidata items are used across the Wikimedia projects?
- New catalogs in Mix'n'match - for example Rolling Stone artist]
- New tool: Hub
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: MuBE Virtual ID, Basketball-Reference.com WNBA coach ID, Basketball-Reference.com NBA coach ID, Académie française member ID, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres member ID, Guide to North American Birds ID, title page number, Walters Art Museum ID, Minneapolis Institute of Art artwork ID, CHGIS ID, Guardiana ID, Barnes Foundation ID, VOGRIPA ID, Rugby Canada ID, Ent'revues ID, World of Spectrum ID, Smithsonian American Art Museum ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: days of 2018
- Development
- Tweaked the ranking of the results in the entity suggester
- Finished persistently storing edits of statements on forms (phabricator:T163724)
- Cleaned up some of the hard-coded demo data on the demo system for lexicographical data
- Working on diff support for Forms on Lexemes (phabricator:T182424)
- Prevented checking of constraints on "Wikidata property example" statements (phabricator:T183267)
- Added link to the property's talk page to the constraint violation dialog to guide people there to discuss the constraint if necessary (phabricator:T164351)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #295
modifier- Discussions
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- GraFa, a new faceted browser for Wikidata is looking for feedback.
- Analysis: How much are items about scientific articles, genes and chemical entities used on the Wikimedia projects?
- New catalogs in Mix'n'match - for example Nobel Prize People Nomination (More than 600 properties now have a corresponding catalog in Mix'n'match.)
- Next round of Projects Grants is open for applications until the end of January (see also this blog post)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: National Historic Ships certificate no., Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois ID, Line Music album ID, Line Music artist ID, Elhuyar ZTH ID, is proceedings from, Basketball-Reference.com NBDL player ID, animal breed, Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme, OpenEdition journal ID, Brooklyn Museum artwork ID, Musée des Augustins artwork ID, Yale Center for British Art artwork ID, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum artwork ID, IBM graphic character global identifier, IBM coded character set ID, IBM code page identifier, produced sound, IUPAC GoldBook ID, The Baseball Cube player ID, Mir@bel journal ID, INRAN Italian Food ID, uBio ID, Deutsche Synchronkartei dubbing voice actor ID, Sign@l journal ID, C-SPAN organization ID, Le Maitron person ID, GSMArena phone ID, Érudit journal ID
- Query examples:
- Gallery of photography techniques
- Street names that exist several times in Berlin (source)
- Average length of movie by genre and year (source)
- Inventions by Republicans (source)
- Celebrities born in January of a leap year (source)
- Countries with no rivers (source)
- Female aviation pioneers born before 1900 (source)
- People who died on K2 (source)
- Showcase items: 15 January 2018
- Development
- Wikidata moved to a new and bigger server.
- Added support for a constraint scope in the constraint check gadget (phabricator:T183542)
- Now ignoring deprecated constraints in the constraint check gadget (phabricator:T180874)
- Added new Lua function getAllStatements (phabricator:T166056 - thanks Eran!)
- Worked on diff support and edit summaries for edits on Forms (phabricator:T182424)
- Worked on persistent editing of the grammatical features of a Form (phabricator:T173742)
- Google Code-In 2017 work on the Wikidata Query Service UI:
- add highlight and selection for query result table, by Anpans (phabricator:T183807)
- keyboard accessibility, by eflyjason (phabricator:T173213 and subtasks)
- make more areas translatable, by Albert221 (phabricator:T171636)
- mobile / responsive menus, by eflyjason (phabricator:T154890)
- lazy loading in ImageGrid, by Sydney (phabricator:T166216)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #296
modifier- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Mahir256 (as successful)
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Getting data from Wikidata into WordPress custom taxonomy
- PIDapalooza - Girona, 23-24 January,with a session on PIDs in Wikidata by Andy Mabbett
- The EuropeanaTech Call for Proposals is open till February 7. Themes are Data, Discovery, Delivery. The conference will take place in Rotterdam, NL, May 15-16, 2018.
- Call for papers for Celtic Knot conference is open
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Nominations for the Steward elections are open
- Grant proposal for GlobalFactSync
- repology is a nice new project about software packages with the help of Wikidata. They have a list of potentially outdated packages on Wikidata that might need updating or fixing.
- Painters gives you a list of paintings that don't have a creator statement but "painting by" in the description
- Big City Lights: where are the cities whose items are most used across the Wikimedia projects?
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Commons compatible image available at URL, is a hydrated form of, biological phase, lot number, MAC Address Block Large ID, has boundary
- External identifiers: SRCBB coach ID, Manus Online ID, Ecocrop ID, Harvard botanical journal ID, UK railway station code, V Live channel ID, Songwriters Hall of Fame ID, MONA ID, Luminous-Lint ID, LTI Korea Library ID, Images d'Art artwork ID, Common Database on Designated Areas ID, crates.io ID, Arcade artwork ID, Australian honours ID, cinematografo company ID, cinematografo name ID, GameRankings game ID, compArt institution ID, compArt person ID, MobyGames company ID, USA Rugby player ID, MYmovies actor ID, MYmovies movie ID, MYmovies director ID, Movieplayer characters ID, Movieplayer film ID, Movieplayer TV-series ID, MYmovies name ID
- Query examples:
- Map of nuclear tests (source)
- Languages with more than one writing system (source)
- Subclasses of malware (source)
- Male actors who starred in a trilogy of movies when they were in their 20s and then no fewer than 40 years later played the same character again(source - see whole thread for more)
- Bands from the UK whose member's average age is at least 70 (source)
- Disney movie narrative locations (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Worked on persistent editing of grammatical features of a lexeme’s form (phab:T173742)
- Made diffs for statements, grammatical features and representations of a form work (phab:T182424)
- Turned off access to lexicographical data from the clients for now (phab:T178904)
- Started logging warning on pages that use too many items (phab:T184319)
- Added support for relation instance or subclass of in the constraint checks (phab:T169858)
- Now also checking single value and multi value constraints on qualifiers and references (phab:T175566)
- Now also checking difference within range constraints on qualifiers and references (phab:T175565)
- Fixed a bug with duplicate items in “distinct values” violation message in the constraint checks gadget (phab:T184705)
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Structured Commons - Design feedback request: Multilingual Captions
modifierHello! You are receiving this message because you signed up for the the community focus group for Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons.
The Structured Data on Commons team has a new design feedback request up for Multilingual Captions support in the Upload Wizard. Visit the page for more information about the potential designs. Discussion and feedback is welcome there.
On a personal note, you'll see me posting many of these communications going forward for the Structured Data project, as SandraF transitions into working on the GLAM side of things for Structured Data on Commons full time. For the past six months she's been splitting time between the two roles (GLAM and Community Liaison). I'm looking forward to working with you all again. Thank you, happy editing. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 24 janvier 2018 à 16:09 (CET)