Formation of the Jaw. - Differentiation of fins. Chondrichthyes stage
Typical fish - Invention of bones and scales, the fins have complex musculation and articulations. The lateral fins will evolve to become limbs.
The fins evolve to fleshy members. Apparition or differentiation of lungs? First land movements?
Formation of the neck. Fingers appear - movement and prehension ability.
Land conquest. Lungs are functional, but the animal is still water-dependent for reproduction. (this one should be a salamander, not a lizard, but the general outlook is OK)
Dry skin and water-independence of Amniote. (this one should be a lizard, not a salamander, but the general outlook is OK)
Hair and gestation invention. Primitive Mammalia are insect-eaters and are basically "hairy lizards"... this one's cute, isn't it?
Living in trees, our ancestors gained an opposable thumb and binocular frontal vision.
(I needed an intermediary picture for smoother transition, so...) Higher monkey - social interaction and communication probably increased at that time. Ability to awkwardly walk on two feet.
(I needed yet another intermediary picture for smoother transition, sorry) Our nearest cousin - lost its tail, by the way.
Vertical position frees the hands. Brain volume increases, and larger in proportion to total body volume. Loss of body hair around the same time as clothing invented.
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