Discussion utilisateur:Luigi Salvatore Vadacchino/Archive 2008- Juillet 2016
RE: giancarlo judica cordiglia
modifierCiao! Per quanto riguarda il post che mi hai lasciato il 4 nov 2007, non so cosa fare dato che non so nulla dell'attore in questione... ne' posso correggere il tuo francese essendo di madrelingua italiana anch'io... Ciao! Stefano85 (d) 13 janvier 2008 à 22:33 (CET)
Ciao ! Ho fato qualche modifica pero questo articolo meriterebbe una traduzione completa, no ? (ho messo in commento una frasina che non ho capito - il y a à dire que ne pas les mariages mixtes -) Spedona (d) 26 avril 2008 à 23:10 (CEST)
- Ciao. Sono d'accordo con Spedona: una traduzione sarebbe il benvenuto.
- 3 punti:
- 1) le categorie eravano troppo numerose (si, si potrebbe aggiungere la categoria Calabre, forse)
- 2) Porché mettere tanti paesi? e tanti legami?
- 3) Penso que l'emigrazione e l'immigrazione siano informazioni importanti per Campora San Giovanni. Potresti trovare delle fonti serie affinché il lettore sappia da dove vengono le informazioni? Saluti jpm2112 Discuter ici 26 avril 2008 à 23:48 (CEST)
- it:Wikipedia:Cita le fonti.
- Sono sicuro che dei dati esistono : libri (o?) da un erudito locale, giornali locali o regionali. Non lo credi? jpm2112 Discuter ici 27 avril 2008 à 00:04 (CEST)
- Come hai indovinato?? No, non lo penso adesso. Spedona (parlo per lui) ed io (ed altri) possono difendere la voce, sopratutto se una traduzione è fatta. Ma... Buona notte. jpm2112 Discuter ici 27 avril 2008 à 00:17 (CEST)
- Si tu as des informations sur la cuisine locale, n'hésite pas à créer une section == Gastronomie locale ==. Mais fais attention de ne pas recopier in extenso le document et fais quelque chose de synthétique. Cordialement. jpm2112 Discuter ici 12 mai 2008 à 21:19 (CEST)
Ortografia, accenti
modifierSi scrive: je parle .... ... Né a Paola.... licencé ...... comptabilité en 2005. Salut --LucaLuca (d) 29 avril 2008 à 21:04 (CEST)
Bonsoir, je suis un utilisateur italien midi-francophone per ecriture, ma puor parler je vais bien, peut-moi aider per la correction grammatique e lexicale, peut moi aider? merci bien--Lodewijk Vadacchino (d) 20 mai 2008 à 21:52 (CEST)
- Ton profil indique que le français est ta langue maternelle. Tu devrais peut-être le modifier...
- Je vais regarder ton article
- --Hercule Discuter 20 mai 2008 à 21:55 (CEST)
- Désolé mais j'ai annulé ton apport. Il vaut mieux demander une traduction de l'original plutôt que de faire reprendre ta traduction. --Hercule Discuter 20 mai 2008 à 21:59 (CEST)
Je préfère ne pas remettre ce que tu as traduit car c'est incompréhensible en français. il vaut mieux qu'un traducteur prenne le texte original, comme ça il comprendra le sens.
le problème de ta traduction est que tu utilise des mots qui n'ont pas du tout le bon sens. Et il est impossible sans le texte original de comprendre quel était le sens originel.
Wikipédien germanophone
tu trouveras surement ton bonheur ici, ou mieux encore: là et là.
Bon courage
Bonsoir, j'ai apporté quelques modifications à l'article. Ne connaissant pas le sujet, il m'est difficile d'aller plus loin, mais il est parfaitement compréhensible. Spedona (d) 24 mai 2008 à 21:23 (CEST)
Bonjour Lodewijk Vadacchino, et bienvenue à toi sur la Wikipédia en français. C'est bien volontiers que je relirai ton article pour rectifier les éventuelles erreurs grammaticales. Je ne connais pas personnellement de contributeur parlant le polonais, mais tu peux peut-être poser la question sur le « bistro », où l'on t'indiquera comment en trouver s'il y en a ! Bonne continuation, Polmars • Parloir ici, le 8 juillet 2008 à 12:45 (CEST)
Articles traduits en occitan ! Cedric31 16 novembre 2008 à 16:51 (CET)
Bonjour à toi, je parle français assez bien, mais malheureusement dans l'écrit je fais pitié! S'il vous plaît tu pourrais donner une aide à ces deux articles? Un concerne mon amie, l'autre mon village natal. En échange je te traduirai en Napolitain, Calabrais et Sicilien un article de ton goût, l'important est qu'il ait une Italienne de base ou français. Dans l'attente de ta certaine réponse je te donne mes remerciements anticipés et une sincère Merci bien!--Lodewijk Vadacchino (d) 30 novembre 2008 à 13:23 (CET)
- Je regarderai dès que possible, promis. Spedona (d) 30 novembre 2008 à 20:37 (CET)
Bonjour Lodewijk Vadacchino !
Je viens de relire ton article sur Lola Pagani pour « franciser » certaines tournures de phrases et corriger certaines fautes de français. J'espère avoir ainsi répondu à ton attente. Je le place sur ma liste de suivi, et à l'occasion je regarderai à nouveau s'il est possible de l'améliorer.
Cordialement, Polmars • Parloir ici, le 2 décembre 2008 à 22:40 (CEST)
Gianluca Ramazzotti
modifierJ'ai fait un petit tour dans la page et j'ai corrigé quelques tournures de phrase plus adéquates. J'ai posé également quelques liens de sens. Je regarderai également dans les listes. -- Salutations. Signé louis-garden (On en cause) 8 janvier 2009 à 16:39 (CET)
modifierSalut Lodewijk Vadacchino. Sincèrement désolé de n'avoir pu te répondre plus tôt mais je n'étais que peu présent. J'ai relu l'article consacré à Lola Pagnani et ai corrigé les quelques petites erreurs laissées par d'autres contributeurs.
J'en profite pour te souhaiter une très bonne année 2009. Cordialement, Necrid Master (d) 11 janvier 2009 à 13:41 (CET)
PS : N'hésite pas à me demander de l'aide si tu veux traduire des articles de l'italien au français.
Salut à toi, ça va? Je voudrais te remercier beaucoup pour avoir crées les pages de mon Archeveque en Français, en Esperanto, et aussi pour la rélecture de la page Latin.
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide.
Grazie per le traduzioni
modifierGrazie per le tue due traduzioni di Mons. Ferrando in Siciliano e Spagnolo, quest'iltima limata da me ieri sera.
Ti chiedo, per il futuro, un tono più amichevole: non chiedrmi se posso creare nuove pagine, quasi come se fosse un DO UT DES, d'accordo? Il fatto che ti ho chiesto di creare nuove pagine su Mons. Ferrando non te lo imponeva, d'accordo? Quindi non chiedermi: ".... adesso (che ti ho creato le pagine che volevi...) puoi tradurre la pagina in Portoghese su Mons. Cardoso..."
Se la mettessi su questo piano, vorrei ricordarti che ho creato la pagina su Mons. Nunnari in Francese e in Esperanto e quella su Mons Cardozo in Francese, quindi saremmo 3 favori a 2 per me, d'accordo? Ma questo a me non interessa.
Ti ripeto: un tono meno autoritario mi farebbe più piacere, anche perchè dall'età che ho potrei quasi essere tuo padre... e dato il mio lavoro, Wikipedia mi impegna non più di mezz'ora al giorno.
Absit iniuria verbis.
Merci bien por ton aide....est-ce que tu pourrais m'aider à améliorer l'article.... il y a les références dans la page en anglais, Espagnole et Italienne.... tu pourrais m'aider pour obtenir une bonne traduction?... prochainement j'insérerai les photos... et est-ce qu'ils sont spectaculaires simplement..... pour ce qui es en train de te faire cadeau ce simple pensée... avec le voeu qui te plaise.... merci pour tout♥--Lodewijk Vadacchino (d) 17 avril 2010 à 07:42 (CEST)
- Je me pencherai sur l’article dès que je le pourrai, mais je ne suis pas spécialiste en fêtes taurines. Pense donc à aller en nouer contact avec le projet Tauromachie. Au fait, il n’est pas précisé l’année à laquelle la fête a été lancée (seulement les jours !), tu ferais bien de l’ajouter. Au plaisir ! F. Ronsère blalab le 17 avril 2010 à 16:48 (CEST)
C'est avec plaisir que je vais regarder cet article. J'ai d'ailleurs commencé, à remettre les phrases dans un français plus normal et je compte continuer petit à petit. D'ici quelques jours, ce Vénérable devrait prendre tournure, enfin, je l'espère. De ton côté, si mes traductions te semblent faire contresens, tu peux me le dire, j'essayerais d'améliorer. Bonne continuation, à bientôt. --Theoliane (d) 14 décembre 2010 à 12:27 (CET)
- Au passage, tu parles d'une maîtrise en médicaments.... s'agit-il d'un diplôme de pharmacie ? Ou d'autre chose ? Parce qu'en français, on parle de Docteur en Pharmacie (pas en médicaments). Et peut-être que j'aurais d'autres questions... je fais de mon mieux en attendant. --Theoliane (d) 14 décembre 2010 à 12:38 (CET)
- Avec l'aide d'un ami, nous avons repris le texte afin de le mettre en français correct. J'espère que ça te conviendra. Merci de ta confiance et bonne continuation. --Theoliane (d) 17 décembre 2010 à 16:50 (CET)
Annonce de suppression de page
modifierBonjour, Lodewijk Vadacchino,
La page Vene... » (page supprimée) que vous avez créée vient d'être supprimée par l'administrateur Nanoxyde avec le commentaire : « Catégorie vide ou remplacée : contenait « Cette catégorie répertorie les différents orchestres de musique classique basés au Venezuela. {{Multi bandeau|Catégorie musique classique|Catégorie Venezuela}} Catégorie:Orchestre de musique classique par pays ».
Ne recréez pas cette page vous-même. Si vous tentez de la recréer, elle sera automatiquement blanchie par Salebot.
--Salebot (bot de maintenance) (d) 10 mai 2011 à 00:17 (CEST)
Annonce de suppression de page
modifierBonjour, Lodewijk Vadacchino,
La page [[:symphoniq... �]] (page supprimée) que vous avez créée vient d'être supprimée par l'administrateur Like tears in rain avec le commentaire : « Catégorie vide ou remplacée : contenait « Cette catégorie répertorie les orchestres symphoniques basés au Venezuela. {{Catégorie musique classique}} Venezuela Catégorie:Orchestre vénézuélien ».
Ne recréez pas cette page vous-même. Si vous tentez de la recréer, elle sera automatiquement blanchie par Salebot.
--Salebot (bot de maintenance) (d) 11 mai 2011 à 09:43 (CEST)
Article Ludmilla Radchenko
modifierBonjour et Bonne Dimanche,
Je vous écris pour vous saluer et vous souhaiter et un bon dimanche un bon début semaine, au-delà à celui-ci je vous signale l'article dont vous avez collaboré hier légèrement aussi. Je vous remercie pour votre collaboration, et je vous demande courtoisement, très courtoisement, si vous pourriez améliorer la qualité de l'article en le rendant plus français dans la forme et dans la substance. mon Français n'est pas des meilleurs, même si je le comprends bien. ceci dit s'il avait de besoin de quelque aide dans les dialectes de la sud Italie n'hésités pas à me contacter.
certainement d'un vôtre certaine et précieuse aide je la remercie en avance de vrai coeur, et je leur envoie un dimanche serein. merci encore.--Lodewijk Vadacchino (d) 23 octobre 2011 à 10:28 (CEST)
- Bonjour Lodewijk Vadacchino !
- J'ai essayé de remettre en forme l'article sur Ludmilla Radchenko. J'espère que cela conviendra.
- Cordialement, et bon dimanche ! --Polmars • Parloir ici, le 23 octobre 2011 à 12:45 (CEST)
modifierCiao Luigi, todo bien? Mi sono permesso di togliere dalla tua pagina personale della in Lingua Portoghese lo user-box che hai preso dalla mia. È una cosa mia, personale, non trovi che avresti dovuto chiedermelo? Credo che faccia parte del mio passato e non riusciresti a capire cosa sia, ok? Desculpas...
Un'altra cosa: non mi rocrdo la pagina che avrei dovuto leggere sul Santo... me lo puoi ricordare tu? Grazie mille e buon fine settimana.
Fatto ! Rei Momo (d) 5 janvier 2012 à 10:32 (CET)
Carnaval de Carúpano
modifierCordiali saluti,
La ringrazio molto per il vostro interesse. Sono continuamente rivedere l'articolo, ho notato una grande quantità di soggettivismo. Per quanto possibile, farò una sezione migliore,
L'article Jérôme Ruggiero est proposé à la suppression
L’article « Jérôme Ruggiero (page supprimée) » est proposé à la suppression (cf. Wikipédia:Pages à supprimer). Après avoir pris connaissance des critères généraux d’admissibilité des articles et des critères spécifiques, vous pourrez donner votre avis sur la page de discussion Discussion:Jérôme Ruggiero/Suppression.
Le meilleur moyen d’obtenir un consensus pour la conservation de l’article est de fournir des sources secondaires fiables et indépendantes. Si vous ne pouvez trouver de telles sources, c’est que l’article n’est probablement pas admissible. N’oubliez pas que les principes fondateurs de Wikipédia ne garantissent aucun droit à avoir un article sur Wikipédia. Arroser Γen mode Mode → 12 novembre 2013 à 18:28 (CET)
Histoire des Juifs en Chine
modifierBonjour Luigi,
Malheuresuement je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps pour travailler sur l'article "Histoire des Juifs en Chine". Je pars en vacances mardi pour une durée d'un mois et sans ordinnateur. À mon retour, je regarderai ce que je peux faire pour cet article.
Cordialement, --Jacques (me laisser un message) 8 mai 2015 à 17:20 (CEST)
Voilà, c'estait un travaille que toi aussi pouvait le faire, et je ne sais pas pourqoui tu me le demande. Tu a ouverte une page seuellement avec copier-coller et sans rien ecrire sur la biographie. Au moin tu pouvait traduire (regia di..., con..., protagonista...).
Pour le future soit plus pratique et soutout discretion avec les personnes que j'abiutuallement contact pour mes travaux. Ou bien: comme je ne suis pas trop disponible, ne demande pas à eux disant que tu es mon ami, ça va?
C'est fait! J'ai aussi retiré le bandeau orphelin en Anglais. Oh, attention: le sit de ngeur Cossoli doit etre spam, le systeme ne parmait pas de l'ajoutter!
plz translate this!
modifierhi Luigi, im Usman from Pashto wiki. im just gona star working on your articles translations. and if you could translate this text to the language you know better! regards --عثمان منصور انصاري (discuter) 1 mars 2016 à 17:19 (CET)
Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari (ourdou : Modèle:Nastaliq), (March 10, 1884 - Janury 11, 1946) was a great leader and a political activist of the Indian independence movement.
Born in a Noble family of Ansari in UP Saharanpur, Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari studied raised up in the house of Allama Abdullah Ansari (Dean of theology in Ali Ghar University, early in his life and later enrolled in the Darul Uloom Deoband, where he was at various times associated with other noted Islamic scholars of the time, including Maulana Rasheed Gangohi and Mahmud al Hasan. Maulana Mansoor Ansari returned to the Darul-Uloom Deoband in ..., and gradually involved himself in the Pan-Islamic movement. During World War I, he was amongst the leaders of the Deoband School, who, led by Maulana Mahmud al Hasan, left India to seek support of the Central Powers for a Pan-Islamic revolution in India in what came to be known as the Silk Letter Conspiracy.
Mansoor Ansari reached Kabul during the war to rally the Afghan Amir Habibullah Khan. He joined the Provisional Government of India (حکومت موقت هند در کابل) formed in Kabul in December 1915, and remained in Afghanistan until the end of the war, and left for Russia. He subsequently spent two years in Turkey and, passing through many countries۔ He was one of the most active and prominent members of the faction of Indian Freedom Movement led by Muslim clergy chiefly from the Islamic School of Deoband. Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari died on January 11, 1946.
Early life
modifierMuhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari was born on ......, 1884 to an Ansari family at Saharanpur, UP (Uther Pardish) state of India. His father Maulana Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari was Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi's daughter's son and Maulana Abd Allah Ansari's eldest son. His native-place was Anbetha but he received primary education at Madrasa-e Manba al-Ulum, Gulaothi, where his father was a head-teacher. Graduating from the Dar al-Ulum in A. H. 1321, he served as teacher at different places and as head-teacher
As soon as India won freedom, very much wished to recall him to India but, unfortunately, a year before India became free, Maulana Mansoor Ansari had embarked on his last journey and therefore could not see that country, for whose freedom he had spent 31 years of his life in exile, free.
Maulana Hamid al-Ansari Ghazi, the former editor of the newspaper, Madina (Bijnor), who has had a distinct position in the Urdu Journalism of India, is Maulana Mansoor Ansari's eldest son,- and the Maulana's second son, Hameed Ansari, lives in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. [1]
successor of Maulana Abdullah Ansari
modifierMaulana Abdullah Ansari Anbethvi was the father of Maulana Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari, His native-place was Anbatha, in District Saharanpur. In A.H. 1285 he took admission in the Dar al-Ulum and graduated in A. H. 1287. His early education he received from a glorious divine of his time, Maulana Muhammad Yaqub Nanautavi. At Mecca he stayed in attendance on Shaikh al-Masha'ikh Haji Imdad Allah Mahajir-e Makki for a long time. During this sojourn he studied Masnavi Maulana Rum under the Shaikh's instruction 2. He had also received khilafat (vicarship 2 ) from the Shaikh al-Masha'ikh. In A. H. 1287, when Munshi Mehrban Ali established Madrasa Manba al-Ulum at Gulaothi, he was appointed its head-teacher. Thereafter, in 1311/1893, Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan called him to Aligarh and appointed him Dean of the Faculty of Theology in the then M. A. O. College (the present Muslim University). After him his son, Maulana Ahmed Mian was appointed Dean of the same faculty. His second son, Maulana Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari was an important member of the Shaikh al-Hind's political movement for the freedom of India. Maulana Mansoor Ansan's son, Maulana Hamid al-Ansari Ghazi is a famous Urdu journalist of India.
Maulana Abdullah Ansari died at Anbatha. The year of his death as given in Nuzhat al-Khwatir, vol. viii, is A. H. 1344, which is not correct. Although the exact year of his demise could not be known, this much is certain that he had died much earlier than A. H. 1344 He lies buried in his ancestral cemetery at Anbatha. [2] Hazrat Nanautavi's eldest daughter, Ikram al-Nisa, had been married to him.
The Shaikh al-Hind's educational benefaction prepared a group of famous and illustrious ulema like Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Maulana Ubayd Allah Sindhi, Maulana Mansoor Ansari, Maulana Husain Ahmed Madani, Maulana Mufti Kifayat Allah Dehelvi, Maulana Sayyid Fakhr al-Din Ahmed, Maulana Muhammad Izar Ali Amrohi, Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Ball avi, Maulana Sayyid Manazir Ahsan Gilani (Allah's mercy be on all of them.
India's Independence Movement
modifierMawlānā Muhammad Qāsim Nanawtawī (1832-1880), who first participated in India’s first war of independence in 1857, later was instrumental in establishing one of the most prestigious Islamic seminaries (madrasahs) of the Muslim World, the Dār ul-cUlūm (1867), the mother of all Madrasah’s in the northern Indian town of Deoband. After the fall of the Mughal empire, Mawlānā Nanawtawī (a traditionally trained theologian), saw the need to provide India’s millions of Muslims with self-supporting institutions that would strengthen their faith and promote their national zeal for freedom. His son-in-law, Mawlānā cAbdullah Ansarī (great-grandfather of Dr. Abidullah Ghazi), was one of the first graduates of the Dār ul-cUlūm and became the first dean of theology at the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College at (established in 1875), on the invitation of its founder Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. His decision to leave Deoband and join Sir Syed’s effort of Western education was opposed by his elders, yet he saw in it a unique opportunity to introduce authentic Islamic curricula and keep the young Muslim generation on the right path.
Mawlānā cAbdullah Ansarī’s eldest son, Muhammad Mian did not attend Aligarh but was educated at the Dār ul-cUlūm, Deoband, and was profoundly influenced by the prominent Islamic scholar and freedom fighter Mahmud al-Hasan, better known as “Shaikh al-Hind”. In 1916, at the height of the First World War, Maulana Mansoor Ansari joined the anti-colonialist revolutionary movement of Shaikh al-Hind and left his homeland and his family for Afghanistan and tribal areas to organize armed resistance. His role, along with his close associate in the movement was to influence Afghan government to support India’s freedom struggle and organize resistance against British by mobilizing Azad tribes of Northwestern India. His close relations to the rulers of the Azad tribes resulted in his second marriage in an influential family of Bajaur, to Zohra Begum; from her he fathered four children two boys and two girls. In Kabul the leaders of the Revolutionary movement met other exiled leaders and established special partnership with Ghadar party and successfully established first Provisional government (Hukumat-e-mu’aqqat حکومت مؤقت هند در کابل) of India. The government established by the Ulama’ was secular and elected Raja Mehendra Pratap Singh, a Hindu prince of Bindraban as its President and Barkatullah Bhopali, a Muslim as Prime Minister. During his exile Maulana Ansari traveled widely in Central Asia, the Middle East, Russia, and eventually ended up in Turkey as an acting Ambassador of Afghanistan. Later he became an adviser to Atatürk and took part in the Turkish fight for self-determination. Maulana Ansari later returned to the East and settled in the northern Afghan city of Jalalabad, where he was united with his Pathan wife and started a second family. He now concentrated his efforts on reflecting, writing and teaching. The British never allowed him to return to India (where he still had his first wife and two grown up children), as he was not prepared to ask for clemency or promise to give up struggle for freedom. He lived out the remainder of his life in exile and ironically passed away in 1946, one year before the land that he had spent his life trying to free became independent and resulted in the partition between India and Pakistan.
The political history of Darul-Uloom Deoband, should be reckoned to have begun nine or ten years prior to the establishment of Darul-Uloom. In 1857 (A.H. 1274), with the determination to free India from the English yoke, the elders of Darul-Uloom, particularly the Shaikh (spiritual guide) of the group, Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajir-e-Makki, 42, and his favourite disciples.Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi, 25, and Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, 29, and some other respectable men, as a dernier ressart, appealed to arms with great derring-do, an event which makes the first-ever page of the history of Darul-Uloom. In a gathering at Thana Bhavan the famous historical.
In 1333HD. 1913AD., Hazrat Nanautavi's well-guided pupil, Maulana Mahmood Hasan Shaikhul-Hind prepared a scheme of stirring a revolution against the British Government which has been called "Silken Letters" in the report of the Rowlatt Committee. But by chance this scheme of Silken Letters miscarried and the Shaikhul-Hind, along with his accomplices', Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani, Maulana Ozair Gul and others were arrested and kept under detention in the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea for a number of years; and the Shaikhul-Hind's disciples, Maulana Ubaydullah Sindhi and Maulana Mansoor Ansari had to pass a very long time of their lives in exile.
In 1338/1920, after his release from Malta, the Shaikhul-Hind joined the jami'atul-Ulama which his disciples had founded in 1337/1919 to give a fillip to the independence movement. The jami'atul-Ulama shoulder to shoulder with the Indian National Congress, serpent its force in awakening the country politically and socially. Maulana Sayyid Husain Ahmad Madani, Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah Dehlavi, Maulana Sayyid Fakhrud-Deen Ahmad, and later on, Maulana Hifzur-Rahman, Maulana Mufti Ateequr-Rahman Usmani, Maulana Minnatullah Rahmani, Maulana Habibur-Rahman Ludhyanvi, Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Miyan Deobandi and many other Ulama of Deoband not only remained in the forefront of the movements for the freedom of the country but they have also been the cause of coming into being of several other movements and have consequently suffered the hardships of imprisonment and jail.
"The elders of Deoband took more and more part in the struggle for the independence of the country; they suffered all the troubles of this path and came out successful in every test, After the establishment of Darul-Uloom the period of participation in national politics begins with Hazrat Shaikh al-Hind.Maulana Ubaydullah Sindhi has acknowledged the Shaikh al-Hinds life to be a separate epoch of the Waliyullahian movement. The caravan of resolute men prepared under the leadership of the Shaikh al-Hind included Maulana Ubaydullah Sindhi, Maulana Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari, Maulana Fazl-e Rabbi (member Hai'at-e Tamizia, Afghanistan), Maulana Sayfur-Rahman Kabuli, Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Karachwi, Mfti Kifayatullah Dehelvi, Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madani, Maulana Ahmed Ali Lahori and many other great ones. Even today, from India to Pakistan, the graduates of Darul-Uloom Deoband, are guiding the country and the community in the field of politics. The leaders of the movement for Pakistan derived benefit from the course adopted in certain matters by an illustrious religious divine of Deoband, viz., Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, while Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani was himself among the leaders of the movement for Pakistan and he, with his best scholarly capacities, tried to make the Muslim League firm and steady in the ideal of Islamic state. Then, after the establishment of Pakistan, the Indian leaders of Deoband guided the Indian Muslims in utterly adverse circumstances and helped keep up their spirits high; and in Pakistan the august men of his order took up the gauntlet of reconstruction and service to the country and the community with a new determination and guided the community with their capacities and abilities in every walk of life in Pakistan.
for some time at Madrasa-e Mo'eenia, Ajmer. Hazrat Shaikh al-Hind had called him to Deoband for assistance in his work of translation of the Quran. In A. H. 1327 when Jami'at al-Ansar was established at Deoband, he was appointed its deputy director along with Maulana Ubayd Allah Sindhi. He was a man of a very sound judgement and a talented religious divine. He remained in the company of Hazrat Shaikh al-Hind in the latter's last pilgrimage-journey which took place in 1333/1915. The Shaikh al-Hind had got a persuasive letter written by Ghalib Pasha, the governor of Madina, addressed to the people of India and the northwest independent tribes for taking part in the movement for the independence of India; the important task of carrying this letter which is known as Ghalib Nama in^he political history of India was entrusted to Maulana Ansari only, which errand he accomplished very adroitly and dodging the Indian secret police reached the independent territory of Yaghistan. Since Maulana Mansoor Ansari had already left for yaghistan he escaped arrest at the time of the Shaikh al-Hind's arrest in Hejaz. His real name was Muhammad Mian but in order to save himself from the British police when he came to India with the Ghalib Nama he kept the alias Mansoor Ansari, and later on became famous by this alias itself. Among the bunch of letters known as "Silken Letters" in the political annals of India, one was from the pen of Maulana Mansoor Ansari also; it was written on a yellow silk cloth. His rank in the Divine Hosts was that of a Lt. General.
After the Shaikh al-Hind's arrest in Hejaz, he went to Afghanistan and settled down there permanently. He had had great influence on the Afghan Government due to his knowledge and learning, political acumen and foresight. Accordingly, in the ambassadorial mission the Afghan Government had sent to Turkey, it had assigned Maulana Mansoor Ansari the rank of minister plenipotentiary. Similarly, he had been sent in the capacity of a political adviser in the political mission to Moscow. Bachcha Saqqa, after coming to power, had exiled him from Afghanistan. During the brief reign of this usurper the Maulana had gone to Russia for some months. When Nadir Shah defeated Bachcha Saqqa and became ruler of Afghanistan, he called the Maulana back.
During his stay in Afghanistan he wrote several political books. Hukumat-e llahi, Asas-e Inquilab, Dastoor-e Imamat, and Anw'a alDawal reflect his high intellectual and thinking powers. He served on different posts in Afghanistan. In the last phase of his life he had taken abode in Jalalabad, which is a famous town in Afghanistan. He died there on 6th Safar, A. H. 1365/January 11, 1946.
The Shaikh al-Hind established rapport with those ulema of the North West Frontier Province who had been students in the Dar al-Ulum. The plan was to spread a network against the English from Afghanistan to India and then, at an opportune time, the united and organized might of India and the free tribes was to launch an attack upon British India and, on the other hand, a war of independence was to be started in the whole country. It was his belief that it would be such a situation which the English would not be able to face.
Since it was necessary to take help of foreign governments also in freeing India, he ordered Maulana Ubayd Allah Sindhi to go on a special 137 mission to Kabul, sent Maulana Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari to inculcate jihad in the free> tribes, and himself embarked on a journey to Hejaz to obtain help from the Turks. The English meanwhile were at war with Germany. The synopsis of the details given officially regarding the movement of "the Silken Letters" in para 164 of the report of the Rowlatt 1 Committee is as follows :— "The events of Silken Letters were discovered in August 1916/1344. This was a plan that had been proposed in India with the idea that disturbance be created on the north-western border on the one hand and, on the other, bolstering it up with the uprising of the Indian Muslims, the British Government be put to an end. To put this proposal into shape a man named Maulavi Ubayd Allah crossed the north-western border in August, 1915/1333, with three of his companions. Ubayd Allah was formerly a Sikh who had later on become a Muslim. He acquired religious education in Deoband. The greatest personality among those people whom Ubayd Allah had influenced was that of Maulana Mahmud Hasan who had been a principal of this institution for a long time. Ubayd Allah wanted to start a universal Islamic movement against the British in India through the graduate ulema of Deoband. Secret meetings used to be held at Maulana Mahmud Hasan's house. It is said that some men of the north-west border also used to participate in them. On September 8, 1915/1333, Maulana Mahmud Hasan left India and reached Hejaz. The important objective of both Ubayd Allah and Maulana Mahmud Hasan was to simultaneously cause an aggression on India from outside and stir rebellion in India itself. Ubayd Allah and his friends first contacted the fanatical India party of fighters (mujahidin) and then they reached Kabul. There Ubayd Allah met the Turk-German Mission. After some days his Deobandi friend, Muhammad Mian also joined him. This man had gone to Hejaz along with Maulana Mahmud Hasan from where he had come back in 1916/1334, having obtained a proclamation of jihad which Maulana Mahmud Hasan had taken from the Turkish commander-in-chief of Hejaz, Ghalib Pasha. This document is known as "Ghalib Nama".- Muhammad Mian distributed its photo-copies on the way in India and among the frontier tribes.
"Ubayd Allah and his companions had prepared a plan of a provi- sional government at the dissolution of the British government. According
1. Seeing the tendency of general political unrest in India, the British Government had appointed an enquiry committee in 1917/1336, headed by an English Judge named Rowlatt by whose name it had come to be known as Rowlatt Committee. This committee had sought out many secret organizations.[3]
modifier- ↑ http://archive.org/stream/2VolumeBookOnTheHistoryOfDarAlUlumDeoband/HistoryOfTheDarulUloomDeoband-VolumeTwo1981_djvu.txt
- ↑ Nuzhat al-Khwatir, vol. viii
- ↑ Tarikh-e Hind by H'ashimi Faridabadi, p. 434
modifierIn 1946, the Indian National Congress requested his return to India and the British Raj subsequently permitted him to return. He remained at Kabul, where he began a programme teaching and Translating Tafsir Shiek Mahmudul Hassan Deobandi which is known as Kabuli Tafseer.
Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari was taken seriously ill and died on 11 of Januray 1946 at Jalalabad (Nangarhar Province). and he was buried in the graveyard adjacent to the grave of his Mentors in Laghman (Muhtharlam BaBa). (Laghman, Muhtharlam BaBa is 35 KM District, Laghman, Afghanistan)
modifierModèle:Afghan Scholars Modèle:Indian Scholars Modèle:Indian independence movement