John Koch, diplômé de l’université Harvard, est professeur de langue et littérature celtiques à l’université du pays de Galles et directeur du Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies.

John T. Koch
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  • An Atlas for Celtic Studies: Archaeology and Names in Ancient Europe and Early Medieval Ireland, Britain, and Brittany, Oxford, Oxbow, 2007.
  • Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia, 5 vols., Santa Barbara–Oxford, ABC-Clio, 2006, pp. xxviii + 2128. ISBN (imprimé) 1–85109–440–7, (e-book) 1–85109–445–8
  • « Why Was Welsh Literature First Written Down? », dans Medieval Celtic Literature and Society, sous la dir. de H. Fulton, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2005, 15–31. (ISBN 1 85182 928 8)
  • « De sancto Iudicaelo rege Historia and Its Implications for the Welsh Taliesin », dans Heroic Poets and Poetic Heroes in Celtic Tradition: A Festschrift for Patrick K. Ford, sous la dir. de Joseph Falaky Nagy et Leslie Ellen Jones, coll. « CSANA Yearbook 3–4 », Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2005.
  • « Celts, Britons, and Gaels – Names, Peoples, and Identities », Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, new series 9 (2003)
  • « Some Thoughts on Ethnic Identity, Cultural Pluralism, and the Future of Celtic Studies », dans Retrospect and Prospect in Celtic Studies: Proc. 11th International Congress of Celtic Studies 25–31 July 1999, sous la dir. de M. Herbert et K. Murray, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003. (ISBN 1 85182 770 6)
  • « Marwnad Cunedda a Diwedd y Brydain Rufeinig » [‘The elegy of Cunedda’ and the end of Roman Britain], dans Yr Hen Iaith: Studies in Early Welsh Language before 1500, sous la dir. de Paul Russell, Aberystwyth, Celtic Studies Publications, 2003. (ISBN 1 891271 10 5)
  • « The Early Chronology for St Patrick (c.351–c.428): Some New Ideas and Possibilities », dans Celtic Hagiography and Saints’ Cults, sous la dir. de Jane Cartwright, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2003.
  • « Celtoscepticism: Some Intellectual Sources and Ideological Implications », Indo-European Studies Bulletin, 2001, vol. 9, n⁰ 2.
  • The Inscriptions of Early Medieval Brittany - Les inscriptions de la Bretagne du Haut Moyen Âge (Aberystwyth, 2000)
  • On the Origins of the Old Irish Terms Goídil and Goídelc, in Origins and Revivals: Proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Celtic Studies, eds. G. Evans, B. K. Martin and J. W. Wooding, Sydney Series in Celtic Studies 3 (Sydney: Centre for Celtic Studies, University of Sydney, 2000). (ISBN 1 86487 380 9), 3–16.
  • Ovania and /wu-/, /wo-/ < Celtic /wo-/, /we-/ (,/wi-/) in Pictish, in Kings, Clerics and Chronicles in Scotland, 500–1297: Essays in honour of Marjorie Ogilvie Anderson on the occasion of her ninetieth birthday, ed. Simon Taylor (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000)
  • Fled Bricrenn in its Broader Celtic Context, in Fled Bricrenn: Reassessments, ed. Pádraig ÓRiain, Irish Texts Society Subsidiary Series 10 (Dublin, 2000)
  • The Place of Y Gododdin in the History of Scotland, in Celtic Connections: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Celtic Studies, Vol. 1. *Language, Literature, History, Culture, ed. R.Black, W. Gillies, R. Ó Maolalaigh (East Linton: Tuckwell Press, 1999)
  • A Swallowed Onomastic Tale in Cath Maige Mucrama?, in Ildánach Ildírech: A Festschrift for Proinsias MacCana (1999), pp. 63–80.
  • The Gododdin of Aneirin: Texts and Context from Dark-Age North Britain (Historical Introduction, Reconstructed Text, Translation, Notes) (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1997) curity and the Figure of Taliesin’, Medievalia, XIX (1996 [for 1993])
  • Some Thoughts on the Gaulish Inscription from Larzac, in Die grösseren altkeltischen Sprachdenkmäler, Akten des Kolloquiums Innsbruck 29 April–, eds. W. Meid, P. Anreiter (Innsbruck, 1996)
  • When a Seanchaidhe is not a Seanchaidhe and a Paddy is not a Paddy [essay on Erskine Nicol’s painting The Seanchaidhe], in America’s Eye: Essay’s on the Irish Paintings in the Collection of Brian Burns, ed. A. Dalsimer and V. Kreilkamp (Boston, 1996)
  • The Celtic Lands in Medieval Arthurian Literature: A Guide to Recent Research, ed. N. Lacy (New York, 1996)
  • Further Thoughts on Indo-European gwhin Celtic, in Hispano-Gallo-Brittonica: Essays in honour of D. E. Evans on his sixty-fifth birthday, eds. J. F. Eska, R. Geraint Gruffydd, Nicolas Jacobs (Cardiff and Dublin, 1995)
  • The Conversion of Ireland and the Emergence of the Old Irish Language, AD 367–637, Emania, XIII (1995), 39–50
  • Windows on the Iron Age, 1964–1994, in Ulidia: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Ulster Cycle of Tales, eds. J. P. Mallory and G. Stockmon (Belfast, 1994)
  • Thoughts on the Ur-Gododin: Rethinking Aneirin and Mynydawc Mwynvawr, Language Sciences, XV.2 (1993)
  • Gallo-Brittonic Tasc(i)ouanos "Badger-slayer" and the Reflex of Indo-European *gwh, Journal of Celtic Linguistics, I (1992)
  • Gallo-Brittonic vs. Insular Celtic: The Inter-rela tion ships of the Celtic Languages Reconsidered, in Bretagne et pays celtiques – langues, histoire, civilisation: Mélanges offerts à la mémoire de Léon Fleuriot, eds. Gw. Le Menn, J.-Y. Le Moing (Saint-Brieuc and Rennes, 1992)
  • Further to tongu do dia toinges mo thuath [“I swear to the god to whom my tribe swears”], &c., Études celtiques, XXIX (1992) 249–61
  • On the Prehistory of Brittonic Syntax, in Studies in Brythonic Word Order, eds. J. Fife and E. Poppe, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory lxxxiii (Amsterdam, 1991)
  • Ériu, Alba, Letha: When Was a Language Ancestral to Gaelic First Spoken in Ireland?, Emania, IX (1991 [‘Focus on the Origins of the Irish’])
  • Gleanings from the Gododdin and Other Early Welsh Texts, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, XXXVIII (1991)
  • Thoughts On Celtic Philology and Philologists, Comparative Literature Studies, XXVII.1 (1990)
  • Cothairche, Esposito’s Theory, and Neo-Celtic Lenition [re. the historical St. Patrick], in Britain 400–600: Language and History, eds. A. Bammesberger, A. Wollmann (Heidelberg, 1990)
  • Brân, Brennos: An Instance of Early Gallo-Brittonic History and Mythology, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies, XX (winter 1990)
  • Some Etymologies Reflecting on the Mythology in the Mabinogi, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, IX (1990)
  • Neo-Brittonic Spirants from Old Celtic Gemi nates, Ériu, XL (1989)
  • The Cynfeirdd Poetry and the Language of the Sixth Century, in Early Welsh Poetry: Studies in the Book of Aneirin, ed. Brynley F. Roberts (Aberystwyth; National Library of Wales, 1988)
  • Prosody and the Old Celtic Verbal Complex, Ériu, XXXVIII (1987)
  • ‘llawr en assed"the Laureate Hero in the War-chariot (C[anu] A[neirin] 932): Some Recol lec tions of the Iron Age in the Gododdin’, Études celtiques, XXIV (1987)
  • A Welsh Window on the Iron Age: Manawydan, Mandubracios, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies, XIV (Winter, 1987)
  • New Thoughts on Albion, Ierne, and the “Pretanic Isles”: Part I [on the oldest names for Britain and Ireland],Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, VI/VII (1986–87)
  • When Was Welsh Literature First Written Down?, Studia Celtica XX/XXI (1985–86)
  • Emphasis and Movement in Gaulish, BBCS xxxii (1985)
  • gwydanhor, gwydyanhawr, clywanhor, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, XXXI (1984)
  • The Sentence in Gaulish, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, III (1983)
  • Mor Terwyn, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, XXX/3–4 (1983)
  • The Loss of Final Syllables and Loss of Declen sion in Brittonic, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, XXX/3–4 (1983)
  • Gaulish eti-c, eqqi-c< Indo-European *esti-kwe?, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, II (1982)
  • The Loss of Final Syllables and Loss of Declension in Brittonic, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, I (1981)
  • The Stone of the Weni-kones [= maen gwynngwn (CA 83)], Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, XXXIX.1 (1980)

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