Text Appearing Before Image: the apprehension of the putting off thisfeeble body and being a disembodied spirit, with all thenow unseen terror of judgment open before me in myprison house. One does not often feel pressed thus toopen ones mind even to an old friend; but I feel thatanother omission of duty would be added to my charge ifI did not discharge my soul when you are in trouble, andin that last stage of life when man craves for peace. Thereis peace only in the faith that Christ Jesus claims fromus. . . . For the calmest peace the world gives us is afading wreath that crumbles into dust. There, I wearyyou, and this I would not do ! I recall so many benefitsfrom your hands that, believe me, nothing but old lovecould move me to write thus. I have to face, in the twolast subjects of the chapel, the most difficult of all theproblems that have encountered me, when physically I amweaker than ever before. Interesting as showing that difference of opinion evenupon such vital matters had never lessened a friendship Text Appearing After Image: Man Repels the Appeal of ConscienceChapel of the Ascension, Bayswater CHARLES ROWLEY 345 unbroken for forty years, is Mr. Rowleys cheerful reply,written, not in answer to this particular letter, but evi-dently to one of similar import. Handfoeth, Cheshire. My dear old Boy,—What a charming letter you sendme. Mind and body as sound as nuts. It has alwaysbeen a great delight to me to hear your orthodoxies. Iwonder if I am a Pagan or what ? I do not like beingticketed. If I presumed to call myself a Christian I shouldburn to behave as such a one ought. The fact is, I haveread and heard so much about beliefs, philosophies, andfaiths, that I am muddled. I am just reading a wonderfulIndian book by the Swami Viv-Renanda, one of the mostrecent holy men produced by the hundred in that won-drous land. Our good friend Margaret Noble is one ofhis followers. His sanity and his charity in finding goodin all faiths touches me. This kind of devoutness anddevotedness to good in everything strikes on
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