Fichier:Phycologia australica; or, A history of Australian sea weeds and a synopsis of all known Australian Algae (1859) (14592708660).jpg

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Identifier: phycologiaaustra02harv (find matches)
Title: Phycologia australica; or, A history of Australian sea weeds ... and a synopsis of all known Australian Algae ..
Year: 1859 (1850s)
Authors: Harvey, William H. (William Henry), 1811-1866
Subjects: Algae
Publisher: London, L. Reeve
Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library

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Text Appearing Before Image:
cription, supposes. I have not seen the normal fruit. Thescattered spores (?) described above are probably antheridia. Itis ^to be hoped that Mr. Clifton may succeed in finding fruit.The species is commonly thrown up in winter along the shoresof Western Australia. I have only seen a single specimen fromFlinders Island; and it has not yet been found in any otherpart of Basss Straits, or further east than Cape Riche. Our figure is faulty in one respect; the apices of the laciniaeought to be very minutely, but sharply, indented. They arecommonly so, but not constantly, as it so happened that a per-fectly entire apex was selected for figuring. Fig. 1. DicTYOTA FASTIGIATA,—the natural size. 2. Apex of a lobe. 3.Small portion of the surface, with a cluster of paranemata, seen vertically.4. The cluster, seen laterally. 5. Some of the paranemata removed. 6.Small portion of surface, with a solitary spore? 7. Section through themembrane:—the latter figures variously magnified. Tlate. ZnZIIL
Text Appearing After Image:
Ser. Rhodosperme^. Fam. Crr/ptonemiacea. Plate LXXXIII. GLOIOSACCION BROWNII, Harv. Gen. Char. Frond bag-like, filled with transparent gelatine, membrana-ceous, composed of three strata; the medtdlari/ stratum of very largegelatinous cells, soon ruptured; the intermediate of roundish-angular,coloured cells; the cortical of minute cellules set in vertical filaments.Fructification: 1, ^o\io?<e fiavellidia immersed in the cells of the in-termediate stratum, and composed of numerous confluent nucleoli;2, tetraspores (not known) ?—Gloiosaccion (Harv.), from y\oLo<j,viscid, and a-aKKo^, a bag or sack. Frons sacciformls, siicco gelatinoso Jiyalino repleta,memhranacea, dratis fere trihuscontexta ; strata medullari cellidls maximis gelatinosis cito ruptis, intermediacellulis rotundato-angidatis colaratis, corticali cellulls miniiids vifila verticaitaordinatis canstante. Fruct.: l^favellidia glabosa, in strata intermedia im-mersa, nucleolis pluribus confiuentihus compasita ; 3, tetraspo

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

Auteur Harvey, William H. (William Henry), 1811-1866
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Flickr tags
  • bookid:phycologiaaustra02harv
  • bookyear:1859
  • bookdecade:1850
  • bookcentury:1800
  • bookauthor:Harvey__William_H___William_Henry___1811_1866
  • booksubject:Algae
  • bookpublisher:London__L__Reeve
  • bookcontributor:MBLWHOI_Library
  • booksponsor:MBLWHOI_Library
  • bookleafnumber:101
  • bookcollection:biodiversity
  • bookcollection:blc
  • BHL Collection
  • BHL Consortium
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29 juillet 2014

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14 septembre 2015


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