Fichier:Major ethnics groups in Moldova 1989.jpg

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Atlas This map has been uploaded by Electionworld from to enable the Wikimedia Atlas of the World . Original uploader to was MaGioZal, known as MaGioZal at Electionworld is not the creator of this map. Licensing information is below.
English: Map from the University of Texas showing the five major ethnics groups (Romanians/Moldovans, Ukrainians, Russians, Gagauzes and Bulgarians) in former Moldavian SSR in 1989, just before the collapse of USSR.
Русский: Карта, созданная в Техасском университете, на которой показаны пять основных этнических групп (молдаване/румыны, украинцы, русские, гагаузы и болгары) в бывшей Молдавской ССР в 1989 году, незадолго до распада СССР.
Auteur Handbook of International Economic Statistics. 1994
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Ce fichier est dans le domaine public, parce que The University of Texas at Austin asserts that the maps in their "Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection" are public domain.

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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel29 décembre 2006 à 11:27Vignette pour la version du 29 décembre 2006 à 11:271 035 × 1 276 (205 kio)Electionworld{{ew|en|MaGioZal}} Map from the University of Texas showing the five major ethnics groups (Romanians/Moldovans, Ukrainians, Russians, Gagauz and Bulgarians) in former Moldavian SSR in 1989, just before the collapse of [[USS

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