Fichier d’origine (2 286 × 1 252 pixels, taille du fichier : 1,44 Mio, type MIME : image/jpeg)

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English: en route to Paulet Island, a tiny blip just S of Dundee Island...the much penguins..Leopard seal (Hydrurrga leptonyx) looking around for his next meal...
Auteur Murray Foubister
(Réutilisation de ce fichier)
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 : En route to Paulet Island, a tiny blip just S of Dundee Island.the much penguins.Leopard seal (Hydrurrga leptonyx) looking around for his next meal. (25903955221).jpg
fichier d'origine
Flickr sets
  • 2015-22 Antarctica 1-A (Dec 20-25) ("G"-5)
Flickr tags
  • 2015
  • Antarctica
  • Summer
  • Travel
  • icebergs
  • mammals

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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel12 mars 2017 à 00:26Vignette pour la version du 12 mars 2017 à 00:262 286 × 1 252 (1,44 Mio)EllicrumFile:En route to Paulet Island, a tiny blip just S of Dundee Island.the much penguins.Leopard seal (Hydrurrga leptonyx) looking around for his next meal. (25903955221).jpg cropped 49 % horizontally and 58 % vertically using [[Commons:Crop...

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