English: Figure 1: Kalligrammatid structural diversity. Specimens are from the late-Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Fm. (JIU), China; Late Jurassic Karabastau Fm. (KAR), Kazakhstan; and mid-Early Cretaceous Yixian Fm. (YIX), China (electronic supplementary material, tables S2 and S3). At (a–i) are nine species showing general habitus [11]. Arrows indicate proboscis tips. (a) Kalligramma circularia (JIU); (b) Affinigramma myrioneura (JIU); (c) A. myrioneura (JIU); (d) Kallihemerobius feroculus (JIU); (e) Oregramma aureolusa (YIX); (f) Ithigramma multinervia (YIX); (g) Abrigramma calophleba (JIU); (h) Kalligramma brachyrhyncha (JIU); and (i) Oregramma illecebrosa (YIX). (i–k) Lateral views of ovipositor structure in O. illecebrosa above: (i) intact specimen; (j) complete ovipositor and posteriormost abdominal segments; and (k) lateral valve pairs. (l–q): five kalligrammatid wing eyespot and spot types detailed in figures 2 and 3; electronic supplementary material, figure S1. (l) Type 1 wing eyespot with two outer rings and ca 15 contiguous ocules surrounding a central pigmented disc (O. illecebrosa, YIX); (m) Type 2 wing eyespot with a single outer ring, light-hued inner area, and uninterrupted, pigmented central disc with surrounding, non-contiguous ocules (Kallihemerobius almacellus, JIU); (n) Type 2 eyespot similar to (M) (Kallihemerobius feroculus, JIU); (o) Type 3 wing eyespot with a light-hued circular area and a few, variably sized ocules in a darkly pigmented central disc (Ithigramma multinervia, YIX); (p) Type 4 wing eyespot contains a few ocules and others surrounding a pigmented central disc, a light-hued inner area and surrounding, dark outermost ring (K. circularia, JIU); and (q) Type 5 wing spot of a circular, pigmented central disc (Kallihemerobius aciedentatus, JIU). Scale bars: solid, 10 mm; striped, 1 mm.
Labandeira et al (2016). "The evolutionary convergence of mid-Mesozoic lacewings and Cenozoic butterflies". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences283 (1824). DOI:10.1098/rspb.2015.2893.
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