DescriptionKatianna sp. in Montagu (14066648022).jpg
English: Katianna sp.
Original description on Flickr:
Well, I've got internet briefly as I'm at Melbourne airport so I'm taking the opportunity to post this chap at least. This was taken in Montagu in the NW of Tasmania while staying with some friends there. A spectacularly patterned springtail! Edit- went and deleted all the explore favourite stars by accident... V annoying... Don't even know what I did, they just disappeared...
They're very pleased to have such a cool looking springtail in their bush and because of the crazy amount of colours, we've been calling it the Montagu Party Springtail.
The Katianna genus of springtails are notoriously difficult to ID and sadly, this one is stuck with just a genus. There's so many new ones out there and little funding or interest to pay for taxonomy so the future isn't looking good in Australia and NZ for Collembola ID. I've already found some new species, including a new Adelphoderia in Tasmania, doubling the species, though it's unlikely it'll ever get written up. I'll post up the photos when I have the chance.
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