Text Appearing Before Image: broidered and edged with Valenciennes. Thebedgown is confined round the waist by a band 180 GODEY S LADYS BOOK AND MAGAZINE. Ficr. .3. Text Appearing After Image: of nansouk, hemmed and tied in a bow andends in front. Fig. 5.—Baptismal robe. This robe, whichis of an extremely rich and elegant character,is made of very fine nansouk, and the front isso disposed as to present the effect of a skirtand tnnic. At the bottom of the front thereare three broad frills or flounces, edged with arow of Valenciennes, above which are threenarrow hrcks. Next are three rows of. inser-tion ; the middle row being of embroidery onnansouk, and those above and below of Valen-.criennes. Above these insertions are ten narrowtucks, and these are again surmounted by twofrills, rows of insertion, and so on, till the wholefront is completed. The tnnic is formed by afrill edged with Valenciennes, and surmounted by narrow tucks. The front of the little corsageis composed of rows of insertion, embroidery,and Valenciennes, disposed alternately. A nar-row frill forms bretelles on the shoulders ; andthe sleeves consist of similar frills. A broadsarsnet ribbon passed across on
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15 octobre 2015
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