Fichier:First Computer Bug, 1945.jpg

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العربية: الخطأ البرمجي الأول: عثة وجدت محصورة بين نقطتي تلامس في المُرحلة 70 في اللوحة F في الحاسوب مارك الثاني في أثناء الاختبار في جامعة هارفارد في 9 أكتوبر سنة 1947م. ألصق عمال الصيانة العثة على سجل الصيانة وكتبوا: "أول حالة مُسجلة لحشرة"، وأصبحت وتوسع استعمال كلمة bug من بعدها ليشير إلى الخطأ البرمجي في الحاسوب. كان السجل، مع الحشرة الملصقة عليه معروضتً في متحف الحرب الخاص بالبحرية الأمريكية في فيرجينيا، وأرِّخ خطأ 9 سبتمبر 1945، وصُحح هذا الخطأ لاحقاً.
English: The First "Computer Bug" Moth found trapped between points at Relay # 70, Panel F, of the Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator while it was being tested at Harvard University, 9 September 1947. The operators affixed the moth to the computer log, with the entry: "First actual case of bug being found". (The term "debugging" already existed; thus, finding an actual bug was an amusing occurrence.) In 1988, the log, with the moth still taped by the entry, was in the Naval Surface Warfare Center Computer Museum at Dahlgren, Virginia, which erroneously dated it 9 September 1945. The Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of American History and other sources have the correct date of 9 September 1947 (Object ID: 1994.0191.01). The Harvard Mark II computer was not complete until the summer of 1947. Removed caption read: Photo # NH 96566-KB First Computer "Bug", 1945
Source U.S. Naval Historical Center Online Library Photograph NH 96566-KN
The above link is no longer valid on 13.04.2017, the image available here.
Auteur Courtesy of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA., 1988.
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An actual bug in a computer log, having been found in the relays of a computer in 1947.

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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel4 avril 2022 à 05:12Vignette pour la version du 4 avril 2022 à 05:122 889 × 2 285 (5,35 Mio)AhechtUpload higher resolution image based on TIFF at source
21 juillet 2012 à 09:02Vignette pour la version du 21 juillet 2012 à 09:02740 × 583 (89 kio)Cwbm (commons)Reverted to version as of 21:04, 23 March 2007; wrong rotation
20 juillet 2012 à 06:34Vignette pour la version du 20 juillet 2012 à 06:34576 × 740 (89 kio)RotatebotBot: Image rotated by 90°
23 mars 2007 à 22:04Vignette pour la version du 23 mars 2007 à 22:04740 × 583 (89 kio)DcoetzeeLosslessly remove caption bar with JPEGCrop
25 mai 2005 à 00:02Vignette pour la version du 25 mai 2005 à 00:02740 × 615 (94 kio)Roo72Photo of first Computer bug, public domain image from [ US Navy]. From the website: '''Photo #: NH 96566-KN (Color)''' '''The First "Computer Bug"''' Moth found trapped between points at

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