Picture of CER-12 computer, provided in an e-mail by and with consent of its manufaturer. Following is e-mail from Svetlana Pavosevic of Institute Mihailo Pupin:
Postovani gospodine Susnjar,
Naravno da cemo Vam pomoci u Vasim naporima da se sacuvaju od zaborava prvi
racunari proizvedeni kod nas. Za pocetak vam saljemo par fotografija CER racunara
i nesto prateceg teksta (skenirano iz Monografije o Institutu iz '64. godine).
Nazalost, koliko je meni poznato, ni u Institutu ne postoji u potpunosti
sistematizovan materijal o tome. Medjutim, upravo je u toku organizacija izlozbe
o istoriji racunarstva u Srbiji, tako da smo organizatoru izlozbe Informatici a.d.
ustupili neke fotografije starih racunara. Takodje smo pre par dana Muzeju nauke
i tehnike, u Skenderbegovoj ulici, poklonili stare racunare iz serije CER
(CER 10 - kuciste i sastavni delovi, CER 202 i CER 12 pa ce verovatno biti moguce
snimiti ih tamo kada budu spremni za izlozbu. Ja cu se u medjuvremenu potruditi
da pronadjem jos informacija i nekoga ko se vise od mene razume u istorijat racunara
kako bih vas povezala na obostranu korist.
Dear Mister Susnjar,
Of course we will support you in your efforts to save the knowledge of the
first computers that were produced by us. For starters, we have sent you some
pictures of the CER computer and some supporting text (scanned from the monography
of the Institute from 1964). Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, there's no complete
systemized material about it in the Institute, either. However, there's an exhibition
about the history of computing in Serbia at the moment, so we could get pictures of
old computers from the organisator of the exhibition "Informatika a.d.". Also, we
donated old computers from the CER series (CER 10 - housing and parts, CER 202 and
CER 12) to the Museum of Science and Technology, in Skenderbeg Street, so it will
probably be possible to make photos of these when they will be ready for the exhibition.
I, in the meantime, will make efforts to find some more information and somebody who
has more experience in computer history so I can connect you to mutual benefit.
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Picture of CER-12 computer, provided in an e-mail by and with consent of its manufaturer. Following is e-mail from Svetlana Pavosevic of Institute Mihailo Pupin: <pre> Postovani gospodine Susnjar, Naravno da cemo Vam pomoci u Vasim naporima da se sacuva